I'm currently concentrating exclusively on P-1 work.  The primenet server
doesn't support this as a dedicated work type, so my procedure is to reserve
some DC exponants, imediately unreserve any which have the P-1 bit already
set, P-1 test the rest, then unreserve them without doing any LL testing.

One problem I have discovered is that the server doesn't always 'recognise'
that a P-1 result has been returned.  It can take several days before my
individual account report removes the * indicating that factoring work is
necessary.  In these cases I hold on to the exponant until the result is
recognised in order to stop the subsequent 'owner' from doing a redundant
P-1 check.  In other cases, the P-1 result is recognised imediately.

Currently, I have nine exponants 'warehoused' whose P-1 results have been
returned but not recognised, the oldest was done on May 14, which is rather
longer than I would expect.  There's no question that the server has
correctly recieved the result, because it is contained in a recent version
of the pminus1.zip file downloaded this morning along with another four
exponants 'warehoused' from May 20.  Three more, whose results were returned
on June 3 have not yet been recorded in this file.

There is an entry in the file for the last of the nine, returned on June 5,
but the limits are much smaller than the test I did.  The most likely
explanation is this is a previous owner's P-1 result which wasn't recognised
before the exponant was given to me.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on?  If this problem could be ironed
out/worked around, then a separate P-1 work type could be implemented in the
client using the procedure outlined in the first paragraph above, without
any changes to the server software.


Daran G.

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