If your overclocked machine miscalculates a number that is really 
prime we wont know about it for a couple of years until the 
double-checking reaches the number. That would be sad both for you 
and for the project. For you since you missed the prime and for the 
project since quite a few people would get bored and leave the 
project because we "never find any primes so I'll go hunt some aliens 
instead. At least that looks cool..".

Every number is doublechecked. Some are triple checked. We will find 
the prime eventually but it would be much nicer to find it right 


On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, George Pantazopoulos wrote:

> Hey all,
>       If an overclocked machine is producing erroneous results, how much harm 
> does it to the project as a whole? Can it miss the next Mersenne prime? 
> Will the rest of the group assume that there is officially no Mersenne 
> prime at the missed location and not double-check?
> Thanks for the insight,
> George Pantazopoulos
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