An impressive record! Probably worth taking a photo of it.

Well, the world's first web server, a NeXT computer, is in a display cabinet in 
a restaurant in CERN.

Maybe one day there'll be a "hall of fame" (online even) for veteran GIMPS 
systems :-)

Johan Winge wrote:
> I see that the number of Intel 486 now has decreased to under one hundred,
> and today one the number decreased further as I retired my trusty "old486".
> This machine joined GIMPS early in 1999 and has trial factored eleven
> mersenne prime candidates since then. Only one factor was found: on May 14,
> 2000 it reported that M11941547 has 9833383992510866143 as a factor. Well,
> now it has worked enough. In its place I have added a shiny new 2 GHz
> Pentium 4. Quite a change I may say...
> Cheers!
> -- Johan Winge

======= Gareth Randall =======

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