It seems to be acknowledged amongst the veteran GIMPS participants that 
stage 2 of P-1 factoring is often more stressful on one's computer than an 
LL test.  Obviously, it is probably very stressful on memory, but I've even 
noticed that it raises my CPU temperature a bit higher than an LL 
test.  Would it be possible to have a torture test in Prime95/mprime that 
does stage 2 P-1 factoring or something that stresses the computer in 
similar manner?  It would be nice to be able to "torture" a CPU and memory 
system (1) without possibly returning bad P-1 results, (2) with some error 
checking so you know immediately if there is an error rather than having to 
wait for an illegal sumout or system crash/lockup, and (3) that, if 
possible, avoids stage 1 ( although my understanding is that stage 2 uses 
the stage 1 result ).  Is this idea feasible?

Nick Glover
Computer Science, Clemson University

"It's good to be open-minded, but not so open that your brains fall out." - 
Jacob Needleman

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