Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 01, 2002 at 07:01:04AM -0700, Gary Edstrom wrote:
>>I seem to remember reading that there are probabilistic tests that can
>>be run on a number.  The test is repeated for a number of iterations.
>>If the test fails any iteration, then it is definitely NOT prime.  If it
>>passes a sufficient number of tests, then it is PROBABLY prime.
>>Now my question is this: "How long does an iteration of one of these
>>probabilistic tests take?" and "Can these tests be used on Mersenne
>>numbers?"  It would seem to be a good way to dispose of even more
>>Mersenne candidates before submitting them to the lengthy Lucas-Lehmer
>>algorithm.  Why isn't it done?
> Isn't it already done? Prime95 has been doing P-1 tests for quite a while
> now. :-)

Trial factoring and P-1 factoring are not strictly (probabilistic) 
primality tests. It is true that if they fail to find a factor, the 
probability that the number under test is prime is increased somewhat as 
we now know that it contains no small/smooth factors. But this change in 
probablity is not very great for large numbers as it leaves plenty of 
possible divisors below the square root of the number.

Primality tests like Fermat's test or Miller-Rabin do not tell anything 
about what the factors of a number might be, but can decide with a high 
probability whether it is prime or not.

Incidentally, Miller-Rabin and Lucas-Lehmer would require the exact same 
number of squarings, as Mp-1 is 6 (mod 8) (for p>2), so MR would have to 
exponentiate the base by (Mp-1)/2. This requires p-2 squarings, just 
like LL.  Plus, since all the bits in (Mp-1)/2 are set, MR also needs a 
multiplication by the base (usually 3) after every squaring, so it would 
actually be a little slower than LL.


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