On Tuesday 27 August 2002 02:08, Marc Honey wrote:
> Anyone else notice that a kt333 Athlon board using an Athlon XP gets better
> performance at 266 than at 333?  I was amazed at the difference, and yes I
> tweaked out the bios under both memory speeds.  AMD really needs a fsb
> speed update!

Weird. Possibly your 266 MHz DDRAM is CL2 but your 333 MHz DDRAM is CL3.

Also, I have two near-identical systems using 1.2GHz T'bird Athlons in Abit 
KT7A mobos, with CL2 PC133 memory. The only difference is that one of the 
CPUs is 200 MHz FSB the other is 266 MHz. Both are running the memory at 133 
MHz (the BIOS on the KT7A lets you do this). The system speeds are within 1% 
of each other.

Brian Beesley

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