On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 21:31:12 +0000 "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > 2% is the sort of change which can occur when a program is stopped & > restarted without changing anything else. Probably the cause is a change in > the page table mapping (of physical to virtual memory addresses).
Oddball phenomena - On successive LL runs, I'm seeing the following pattern: First a run having a given iteration time, then a run with an iteration time 0.58 percent faster, then a run with the given iteration time, then a run with the 0.58% faster iteration time - it keeps on alternating. This is with the Linux client, but I suspect such a pattern could be there no matter which client. mikus _________________________________________________________________________ Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.ndatech.com/mersenne/signup.htm Mersenne Prime FAQ -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers