On Saturday 21 September 2002 21:20, Daran wrote:
> Could this feature of forthcoming Intel processors be used to do trial
> factorisation without adversely impacting upon a simultaneous LL?  Could
> this be easily implemented?

1) _Existing_ Pentium 4 Xeons have hyperthreading capability.

2) Implementation is easy; just run two processes - one LL & one TF - 
assigning one to each virtual processor. In fact there's no other way to 
implement: you can't have one process running in multiple virtual processors 
simultaneously with hyperthreading technology alone.

3) I reckon there would be a very significant performance hit. Temporary 
registers, instruction decoders etc. are shared so any pressure whatsoever on 
the "critical path" would cause a performance drop - even if the code in the 
two processes could be guaranteed to stay phase locked so that there was no 
simultaneous call on a particular execution unit. (In practise I think 
unregulated phase drifts would result in a phase locked clash, since this 
appears to be the most stable state).

You would probably get 20-30% more _total_ throughput this way than you would 
be running LL & DC assignments in series, i.e. the LL test speed would be at 
best 2/3 of what it would be without TF running in parallel on the same CPU.

One benefit of hyperthreading technology for compute-bound processes in an 
interactive environment - provided you're running only one compute-bound 
process per _physical_ processor - is that the extra capacity helps the 
system to react more quickly to interactive loads, so it's a lot less likely 
that foreground users will notice the background CPU load.

Brian Beesley
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