Del S. Brand wrote:
I always get asked what is the purpose or use for such large prime numbers. Since I'm not a math geek, I don't know what to tell them.
Any ideas?

Del S. Brand wrote:
I always get asked what is the purpose or use for such large prime numbers. Since I'm not a math geek, I don't know what to tell them.

Any ideas?


Its a universal defense mechanism, similar to the
Egyption pyramids. When invaders wandered into
Egypt, they saw these enormous squared-off mountains,
clearly man made. Surely this society had soooo
many guys and soooo much spare time on its hands
as to do this, they better not mess with them. They
turned south and invaded there instead.

If we contact extra-terrestrials, we send them our
enormous primes. They realize we have so many
idle computer and brains, they better be nice to
us. They turn south and go invade Venus instead. spike

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