- From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Nov 9 00:21:04 2002 Anurag Garg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
- I have been unable to reach his pages using both the domain name - hogranch.com - which gets a non-existant domain name error - or the IP - address . - - What gives? - Anurag - How many times did you try, and over how long a period? Last I heard, Ernst Mayer lived near San Jose, CA, and kept the web pages on a home machine. One headline at www.sjmercury.com reads Wet and Wild Storm knocks out power, closes schools, and causes flooding. Even if the power has remained up, it would be prudent for Ernst to keep the machines off. _________________________________________________________________________ Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.ndatech.com/mersenne/signup.htm Mersenne Prime FAQ -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers