----- Original Message -----
From: "George Woltman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 4:29 AM
Subject: Mersenne: Here we go again.... v22.12 now available.

> This bug did not cause all factors to be missed, in fact it could cause
> factors to be found that ordinarily would not be found.  Specifically, in
> this low-memory situation prime95 steps through the range between B1 and
B2 in
> multiples of 210.  When processing a prime p, the code actually included
> prime "mirrored" around the previous multiple of 210.  For example, if
> 210000+1 is prime, then 210000-1 was improperly included.  If 210000+3
> is prime, then 210000-3 was included.

How could this lead to factors being missed?



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