----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Kruppa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: Mersenne: P-1 and non k-smooth factors

> This is the Brent-Suyama extension, aka Suyama's powers. In short, if
> you choose a Suyama's power E, a factor f will be found if the largest
> factor of f-1 divides some (mD)^E - d^E, where D is an integer chosen
> according to available memory, m and d are integers so that B1 < mD-d <=
> B2, 1 <= d < D and mD-d is prime.


> ...the choice of D and E depends on the
> implementation. Prime95 chooses D so that phi(D)+E+4 (phi() is Euler's
> totient function) residues fit into memory, and chooses E like this:
>                  if (D <= 180) E = 2;
>                  else if (D <= 420) E = 4;
>                  else if (D <= 2310) E = 12;
>                  else if (D <= 6930) E = 30;
>                  else E = 48;
> (see ecm.c, choose_pminus1_plan() )

I understand why it chooses the values of D that it does, but why these
values of E?  I understand why E must be even, and that higher powers ought
to be highly composite, but wouldn't 6 be a good intermediate value?  24?
60 for the top end?

> Alex


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