On Wednesday 22 January 2003 22:50, Richard Woods wrote:
> Here's what I've just posted in the GIMPS Forum.
> - - -
> _IF_ PrimeNet has automatic time limits on assignments, ordinarily
> requiring no manual intervention to expire assignments or re-assign
> them, then why would any GIMPS participant, other than a system
> administrator or a would-be poacher, need to know someone else's:
> (a) current iteration,
> (b) days-to-go,
> (c) days-to-expire, or
> (d) last date-updated?
> If there's no non-poaching non-administrating user's need-to-know for
> those items, then just stop including them in public reports. Include
> them only in administrative reports and private password-requiring
> individual reports.
> That would deny target-selecting information to would-be poachers,
> right?

Sure. So would eliminating the report altogether. 

I detect righteous indignation here. Might I respectfully point out that, if 
you stick to "LL test" assignments, it makes practically no difference 
whether you get "poached", since there will eventually have to be a 
double-check anyway.

I might also point out that there is sufficient information in the other 
reports (particularly the hrf3 & lucas_v database files) to enable the 
poachers to be identified,

Brian Beesley
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