> Increasing the difficulty for a poacher to _find_ a tempting target
> would mean other participants could be less concerned about making
> themselves into such a target, and just concentrate on doing the work
> they considered most suitable within the rules.

If the rules you are referring to include the possible new guidelines George
proposes  (which in a nut shell goes something like this -- snips taken from
a couple of posts on the forum by George)

"Consensus seems to be building around a sliding scale. It's 2 to 3 months
for the smallest double-checks and first-time tests (to avoid holding up
milestones), 6 months for recycled exponents, 12 months for an exponent at
the leading edge. 2+ years for a 33M exponent.

Give or take."

"A leading edge first time test today is unlikely to hold up a milestone for
maybe 2 years. I'm not advocating yanking a reservation just because you've
had it one year.

I think we are proposing reassignment if you take more than a year and some
other criteria is met such as:
a) You aren't making significant progress.
b) You are holding up a milestone.
c) Require the user to fill out a web form saying "I'm still working on it"

Then in fact, those guidelines are more stringent than ANY poaching
methodology I've seen to date (including Malfoy's) other than some
willy-nilly poacher who has no methodology at all (which I believe in most
cases turn out to be a previous "owner" turning in the assignment from a
expired owner 1 or 2 assignments ago).  So in order to keep within these
guidelines "suitable" types of work for a given machine would just so happen
to avoid much of any chance of getting poached TODAY.  Which brings to mind
another part of Georges proposal which I don't see a easy *snip* for.  The
basic jest is that the new server would assign work to clients based upon
this ideology, in other words the new server would be careful not to
assigned a trailing edge exponent to historically "slow" computer.

I whole heartily believe the best way to eliminate poaching is to  minimize
the reasons there are poachers to begin with rather than trying to  make it
more difficult to do.  Even masking the exponents has a big loop hole in
that it would take years to become effective even if implemented today.  All
that has to be done is to save a copy of status.txt today and you know a
very very big chunk of the exponents that will fall in the trailing edge of
the assignment list of many many years.  After that it's a trivial matter of
elimination to deduce which is which when masked.


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