As I finished reading Gordon Spence's latest post, I was startled by his 
last paragraph.

Gordon Spence wrote:
> And before you go off and waste hours trawling through
> all the masses of data on the project files to try and
> work out if I have ever poached any numbers, I'll save
> you the bother. Yes I have. How many? - can't remember,
> less than 20 or so. Will I do it ever again? - don't know.

So I checked digest #1038.

There, Gordon Spence wrote, in response to an earlier question of mine:
>>Is there any particularly _special_ relationship between
>>being a Mersenne prime discoverer and being trusted not to
>>Unless there is some such special relationship, I imagine
>>that thousands of non-discoverers could also be trusted not
>>to poach.
>Well in actual fact, there *is* now that you come to
>mention it. As a Mersenne Prime discoverer I am given
>immediate notification of any new MP immediately it is
>reported, ie *before* it is verified. We are trusted to
>keep it quiet.....because when we discovered ours we
>proved that we were capable of _discretion_

Back to Mr. Spence's latest post -- in item 11, just four paragraphs 
above his last one which I quoted above, he wrote:
>My point is that there are a small number of people who we
>know for 100% certain can be trusted to act with
>discretion when "sensitive" information is involved.

Now, to me, until I got to the final paragraph, it seemed that Mr. 
Spence had been claiming in this discussion that Mersenne prime 
discoverers could be _more_ trusted not to poach than other people 

But let's look at that final paragraph again:
> And before you go off and waste hours trawling through
> all the masses of data on the project files to try and
> work out if I have ever poached any numbers, I'll save
> you the bother. Yes I have. How many? - can't remember,
> less than 20 or so. Will I do it ever again? - don't know.

In other words, the man claiming that he could be especially trusted 
admits _having already poached, perhaps up to "20 or so" times_.

I suppose I should commend his honesty.

So, maybe only 80% of Mersenne prime discoverers during the GIMPS era 
can be trusted not to poach, instead of 100%?

Richard Woods

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