
There still seems to be a problem of some sort. This morning (between 0800 & 
0900 GMT) I was able to get some results checked in but since then I'm 
getting "server unavailable" from the client.
> >
> > traceroute shows a nice loop:
This is typical of a problem at a network leaf node. The site router has a 
default route which points down the link to the network as a whole; when the 
"leaf" (target host) is online it generates a local route which overrides the 
default for the address(es) used. Meanwhile the network node to which the 
site router connects has a route for the entire site. So a packet with the 
leaf's address bounces between site & the adjacent network node routers until 
it times out.

The _correct_ configuration at the site is to specify a static default route 
for the whole site's address which points to a null interface so that 
undeliverable packets are instantly dropped.

Brian Beesley
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