Hello all,

This morning a new Mersenne Prime was reported to the primenet server.
It will be the new largest known prime but is less than 10 million digits.

For those not familiar with the process regarding new prime discoveries,
here is what will happen.  The discovery will be verified using a
different program and different hardware.   The discoverer and the
exponent will be kept secret until verification is complete.  This is done for
two reasons:  1)  It reduces the incentive for a malicious user to hack
prime95 to report a bogus prime, and 2) It makes it easier to interest
a newspaper in reporting the find (they are breaking news rather than
reporting 2-week old information).

Congratulations to all!  New primes can't be found without the thousands
of unsuccessful tests contributed by everyone.


Unsubscribe & list info -- http://www.ndatech.com/mersenne/signup.htm
Mersenne Prime FAQ      -- http://www.tasam.com/~lrwiman/FAQ-mers

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