Nathan Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> comments

--On Wednesday, June 11, 2003 10:58 PM -0400 George Woltman 

> 2)  I'll change prime95 to NOT delete the save files when a new prime is
> found. When a prime is reported, I'll ask for the save file and rerun the
> last 30 minutes of the test.  I think this would have helped in this
> case.  This measure also deters a hacker.   It might be easy for a hacker
> to spoof a prime report - but he'll have difficulty generating a save
> file that reports the number as prime after the final 30 minutes of LL
> testing.

That is a collosal understatement.  Every modulo operation destroys 
information, and I'm not sure whether one COULD construct such a file.


     Suppose we are able to go back 50 iterations.  That is,
suppose the checkpoint gives a value x[0] such that if we iterate

           x[i+1] = x[i]^2 - 2 (mod Mp)

for i = 0, 1, ..., 49, then we encounter x[50] = 0.

     Let q be a prime factor of Mp.  Solving the quadratic

           x[0] = alpha + 1/alpha    (mod q)

for alpha gives either a solution in GF(q) (with alpha^q = alpha)
or a solution in GF(q^2) (with alpha^q = 1/alpha).  In both cases

         x[i] = alpha^(2^i) + alpha^(-2^i) (mod q)

for all i.  The assumption x[50] = 0 implies alpha^(2^51) = -1 (mod q).
The multiplicative order of alpha must be 2^52.  But we know this
order divides one of q +- 1.  Hence q == +- 1 (mod 2^52).

       This argument applies to all prime factors q of Mp.
It seems very unlikely that all prime factors will be +- 1 (mod 2^52)
unless Mp is itself prime.

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