Hi George!

I have problems with several machines running ver. 22.4! They can't
comminucate due to error 29. If nothing is done GIMPS and I will loose a
doublecheck 60% done and 5-7 done TF's right now, not to mention the
future work......

Please, do something! 
I on my behalf has updated any machine possible to at least 22.8, that

These machines still have about 14 days left.

tnx in advance

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Eric Hahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 1. august 2003 10:33
Emne: Mersenne: Computing meltdown???

It appears that the message forwarding service is still down...
and that v22 seems to have a problem in dial-up connections...
attempting to force a dial-up and connnect to PrimeNet and
after a great deal of time... finally erroring out... instead
of checking to see if there is a connection present before
attempting to communicate... and if not...  waiting... and
checking back later... to communicate when there is...

Closely examining the Assignment Report... I've noticed
that... mostly due to the message forwarding service being
down... but also maybe a little from the v22 problem... only
approximately 37% of assignments have been updated within
the last **5** (FIVE) weeks...  This is in comparison to
the > 90% updates for the same period... over the last

Are we going to have a major computing power meltdown???
Perhaps in the number of PCs using the client... or users
continuing to work on the project???  1/3 of the current
computing power is still a lot of computing power... but
a major... and significannt drop...


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