Mersenne Digest      Saturday, December 13 2003      Volume 01 : Number 1097


Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 18:26:54 +0000
From: Nick Craig-Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Large memory pages in Linux and Windows Server (64bit?)

On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 02:50:11PM +0100, Matthias Waldhauer wrote:
> Back to the topic:
> Some time ago there was a discussion going on regarding the use of large 
> memory pages. In a mersenneforum thread I collected some info regarding 
> new linux kernels and some real world results published in a paper.
> Here some extracts:
> Linux kernel versions 2.5.36+ and 2.6 include a "HugeTLBs" patch, which 
> allows an application to allocate large memory pages.
> Also 64bit Windows Server seems to support them too:
> My thoughts about the possilibities:
> Oracle managed to get a 8% speedup by using the large pages. Although I 
> have little experience in this area I think for FFTs the speedup will be 
> much larger

I agree!  I have been thinking about the exact same thing.

I'm in the process of writing (not quite finished or working ;-) some
code which you load as an LD_PRELOAD library under linux.  This gets
its fingers into the memory allocation, and makes all malloc space
come from hugetlbfs (how you get large pages under linux).

My primary user for this was to be mprime of course!

When finished this should be an easy way of trying any application
with large pages without having to modify it.

I haven't finished the code yet, but it shouldn't take long,
especially if people are asking for it!

- -- 
Nick Craig-Wood
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Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:20:41 +0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Possible refinement of screening for Mersenne primes


I was thinking about the possible reversibility of the Lucas Lehmer 
algorithm. In particular, for any odd number n > 1, 

(2^((n+1)/2))^2 is congruent to 2 modulo 2^n-1

i.e. 2 is a quadratic residue modulo 2^n-1. 

This is not helpful in itself as (a) there are other integer solutions to  
sqrt(x + k.2^n-1) = 2, (b) it does not distinguish in any way between prime 
and composite Mersenne numbers.

However, considering the next-to-the-last iteration appears to be 
interesting. If x is a solution to (x^2 - 2) mod (2^n-1) = 2^((n+1)/2)
then starting from residue x and performing 2 iterations will result in 
residue 0. For small n>3 (n=3 does not work because there is only one 
iteration to do in the L-L test!) we have:

n = 5: x^2-2 mod 31 = 8; x^2 mod 31 = 10; x = 14, x = 17
n = 7: x^2-2 mod 127 = 16; x^2 mod 127 = 18; x = 48, x = 79
n = 9: x^2-2 mod 511 = 32; x^2 mod 511 = 34; no solutions
n = 11: x^2 - 2 mod 2047 = 64; x^2 mod 2047 = 68; no solutions
n = 13; x^2 - 2 mod 8191 = 128; x^2 mod 8191 = 130; x = 3470, x = 4721
n = 15; x^2 - 2 mod 32767 = 256; x^2 mod 32767 = 258; no solutions
n = 17; x^2 - 2 mod 131071 = 512; x^2 mod 131071 = 514; x = 19647, x = 111424
n = 19; x^2 mod 524287 = 1026; x = 199279, x = 325008
n = 21; x^2 mod 2^21-1 = 2050; no solutions
n = 23; x^2 mod 2^23-1 = 4098; x = 2339992, x = 3053916, x = 5334691, x = 

In other words, it looks as if when there are no solutions to x^2 mod 2^n-1 = 
2^((n+1)/2) + 2, then 2^n-1 is not prime, although the converse is not 
neccessarily true.

(1) Could someone with the required background please tidy up my logic and 
prove that the assertion above is true i.e. there is no prime 2^p-1 with p > 
3 such that there are solutions to x^2 mod 2^p-1 = 2^((p+1)/2) + 2

If so, then we have a "one-step" test which would allow us to eliminate some 
- - possibly many - Mersenne prime candidates without even bothering to look 
for small factors.

(2) Can it be demonstrated that the search for solutions of x^2 mod 2^p-1 = 
2^((p+1)/2) + 2 - or at least the search for _existence_ of solutions (we 
wouldn't need the actual numerical values) - might be faster than executing 
the LL test? The method I used for small n above was just to step through 
values of k calculating k^2 mod 2^n-1, which is clearly exceedingly 
_in_efficient for large n!

Brian Beesley
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Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 14:20:41 +0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Possible refinement of screening for Mersenne primes


I was thinking about the possible reversibility of the Lucas Lehmer 
algorithm. In particular, for any odd number n > 1, 

(2^((n+1)/2))^2 is congruent to 2 modulo 2^n-1

i.e. 2 is a quadratic residue modulo 2^n-1. 

This is not helpful in itself as (a) there are other integer solutions to  
sqrt(x + k.2^n-1) = 2, (b) it does not distinguish in any way between prime 
and composite Mersenne numbers.

However, considering the next-to-the-last iteration appears to be 
interesting. If x is a solution to (x^2 - 2) mod (2^n-1) = 2^((n+1)/2)
then starting from residue x and performing 2 iterations will result in 
residue 0. For small n>3 (n=3 does not work because there is only one 
iteration to do in the L-L test!) we have:

n = 5: x^2-2 mod 31 = 8; x^2 mod 31 = 10; x = 14, x = 17
n = 7: x^2-2 mod 127 = 16; x^2 mod 127 = 18; x = 48, x = 79
n = 9: x^2-2 mod 511 = 32; x^2 mod 511 = 34; no solutions
n = 11: x^2 - 2 mod 2047 = 64; x^2 mod 2047 = 68; no solutions
n = 13; x^2 - 2 mod 8191 = 128; x^2 mod 8191 = 130; x = 3470, x = 4721
n = 15; x^2 - 2 mod 32767 = 256; x^2 mod 32767 = 258; no solutions
n = 17; x^2 - 2 mod 131071 = 512; x^2 mod 131071 = 514; x = 19647, x = 111424
n = 19; x^2 mod 524287 = 1026; x = 199279, x = 325008
n = 21; x^2 mod 2^21-1 = 2050; no solutions
n = 23; x^2 mod 2^23-1 = 4098; x = 2339992, x = 3053916, x = 5334691, x = 

In other words, it looks as if when there are no solutions to x^2 mod 2^n-1 = 
2^((n+1)/2) + 2, then 2^n-1 is not prime, although the converse is not 
neccessarily true.

(1) Could someone with the required background please tidy up my logic and 
prove that the assertion above is true i.e. there is no prime 2^p-1 with p > 
3 such that there are solutions to x^2 mod 2^p-1 = 2^((p+1)/2) + 2

If so, then we have a "one-step" test which would allow us to eliminate some 
- - possibly many - Mersenne prime candidates without even bothering to look 
for small factors.

(2) Can it be demonstrated that the search for solutions of x^2 mod 2^p-1 = 
2^((p+1)/2) + 2 - or at least the search for _existence_ of solutions (we 
wouldn't need the actual numerical values) - might be faster than executing 
the LL test? The method I used for small n above was just to step through 
values of k calculating k^2 mod 2^n-1, which is clearly exceedingly 
_in_efficient for large n!

Brian Beesley
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Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 16:39:32 +0100
Subject: Mersenne: Penultimate Lucas-Lehmer step

     Let p > 2 be prime and  Mp = 2^p - 1.
The familiar Lucas-Lehmer test sets a[0] = 4
and a[j+1] = a[j]^2 - 2 for j >= 0.
Mp is prime if and only if a[p-1] == 0 mod Mp.

    When Mp is prime, then 

        a[p-2]^2 == 2 == 2*Mp + 2 = 2^(p+1)  (mod Mp).

Taking square roots, either

       a[p-2] ==  2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp
       a[p-2] == -2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp.

Around 20 years ago I heard that nobody could predict
which of these would occur.  For example,

      p = 3    a[1] = 4 == 2^2 (mod 7)
      p = 5    a[3] = 194 == 2^3 (mod 31)
      p = 7    a[5] = 1416317954 == -2^4 (mod 127).

Now that 40 Mersenne primes are known, can anyone
extend this table further?  That will let us test
heuristics, such as whether both  +- 2^((p+1)/2) 
seem to occur 50% of the time, and
provide data to support or disprove conjectures.

      Peter Montgomery

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Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 18:10:20 +0100
From: Alexander Kruppa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Possible refinement of screening for Mersenne primes

Brian J. Beesley wrote:
> Hi,

> (1) Could someone with the required background please tidy up my logic and 
> prove that the assertion above is true i.e. there is no prime 2^p-1 with p > 
> 3 such that there are solutions to x^2 mod 2^p-1 = 2^((p+1)/2) + 2

I believe the idea is correct, but it doesn't remove candidates.

Lets try (going out on a limb here, fingers crossed):

Is 2^((p+1)/2) + 2 (mod 2^p-1) a QR?

We can rewrite as 2*(2^((p-1)/2) + 1) (mod 2^p-1) and that is a QR iff
2^((p-1)/2) + 1 (mod 2^p-1) is, as 2 is a QR and quadratic character is

   ( 2^((p-1)/2) + 1 )
   (-----------------) (Kronecker symbol)
   (      2^p-1      )

   ( (2^p-1) % 2^((p-1)/2) + 1 )
= (---------------------------)
   (      2^((p-1)/2) + 1      )

because 2^((p-1)/2) + 1 == 1 (mod 4) if p>3 and odd, and

(2^p-1)-1 = 2*(2^(p-1)-1) = 2*(2^((p-1)/2)-1)(2^((p-1)/2)+1), therefore
2^((p-1)/2) + 1 | (2^p-1)-1, (2^p-1)-1 == 0 (mod 2^((p-1)/2) + 1)
and thus 2^p-1 == 1 (mod 2^((p-1)/2) + 1).

It follows

   (        1        )
= (-----------------)  = 1
   ( 2^((p-1)/2) + 1 )

If p>3 and odd, 2^((p+1)/2) + 2 (mod 2^p-1) is always a QR.

For the other sqrt(2), -2^((p+1)/2), the question is:

Is -2^((p+1)/2) + 2 a QR?

We can reqrite as (-1)*(2)*(2^((p-1)/2) - 1), since 2^p-1 == 3 (mod 4),
- -1 is a QNR and so

( -2^((p+1)/2) + 2 )     ( 2^((p-1)/2) - 1 )
(------------------) = - (-----------------)
(       2^p-1      )     (      2^p-1      )

Since both 2^((p-1)/2) - 1 and 2^p-1 are == 3 (mod 4) for odd p>3,
quadratic reciprocity introduces another sign change, thus

   ( (2^p-1) % 2^((p-1)/2) - 1 )
= (---------------------------)
   (      2^((p-1)/2) - 1      )

2^((p-1)/2) - 1 | (2^p-1)-1 as seen before, so

   (        1        )
= (-----------------)  = 1
   ( 2^((p-1)/2) - 1 )

If p>3 and odd, -2^((p+1)/2) + 2 (mod 2^p-1) is always a QR.

Is there a better (or if applicable, correct) proof? Can, for example,
sqrt([+/-]2^((p+1)/2) + 2) in Z/Z(2^p-1) be given explicitly, like
sqrt(2) can?


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Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 09:23:17 -0800
From: Luke Welsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Penultimate Lucas-Lehmer step

At 04:39 PM 12/11/03 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>    When Mp is prime, then 
>        a[p-2]^2 == 2 == 2*Mp + 2 = 2^(p+1)  (mod Mp).
>Taking square roots, either
>       a[p-2] ==  2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp
>       a[p-2] == -2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp.
>Around 20 years ago I heard that nobody could predict
>which of these would occur.

After M29 was discovered, that was the very first question Dick Lehmer asked.
I think it interested him more than the value of p!! 

- --Luke

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Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 06:59:09 +0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Penultimate Lucas-Lehmer step

On Thursday 11 December 2003 15:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>      Let p > 2 be prime and  Mp = 2^p - 1.
> The familiar Lucas-Lehmer test sets a[0] = 4
> and a[j+1] = a[j]^2 - 2 for j >= 0.
> Mp is prime if and only if a[p-1] == 0 mod Mp.
>     When Mp is prime, then
>         a[p-2]^2 == 2 == 2*Mp + 2 = 2^(p+1)  (mod Mp).
> Taking square roots, either
>        a[p-2] ==  2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp
> or
>        a[p-2] == -2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp.
> Around 20 years ago I heard that nobody could predict
> which of these would occur.  For example,
>       p = 3    a[1] = 4 == 2^2 (mod 7)
>       p = 5    a[3] = 194 == 2^3 (mod 31)
>       p = 7    a[5] = 1416317954 == -2^4 (mod 127).
> Now that 40 Mersenne primes are known, can anyone
> extend this table further?  That will let us test
> heuristics, such as whether both  +- 2^((p+1)/2)
> seem to occur 50% of the time, and
> provide data to support or disprove conjectures.
This is dependent on using the Lucas sequence starting at 4. In practice 
there are a large number of other starting values which could be used - in 
fact, 2^(p-2) of them. AFAIK we happen to use 4 because it is a "nice small 
number" which works for all values of p > 2 - whereas most of the other 
values which work for p don't neccessarily work for q != p.

For instance, with p=3 we could use starting value 3 instead of 4

3^2 - 2 = 7 is congruent to 0 modulo 2^3-1
4^2 - 2 = 14 is congruent to 0 modulo 2^3-1

But other values don't work:

0^2 - 2 = -2 is congruent to 5 modulo 2^3-1
1^2 - 2 = -1 is congruent to 6 modulo 2^3-1
2^2 - 2 = 2 is congruent to 2 modulo 2^3-1
5^2 - 2 = 23 is congruent to 2 modulo 2^3-1
6^2 - 2 = 34 is congruent to 6 modulo 2^3-1

Obviously enough, if k is a quadratic residue modulo n. then so is n-k

(n-k)^2 mod n = n^2 -2kn +k^2 mod n = k^2 mod n

So, in the penultimate step, it _doesn't matter_ whether the actual residue 
is 2^((p+1)/2) or -2^((p+1)/2) - if running one iteration from 2^((p+1)/2) 
doesn't give residue 0, then neither can running one interation from 
- -2((p+1)/2), and vice versa.

So simply testing whether 2^((p+1)/2)+2 is a quadratic residue modulo 2^p-1 
_might_ (in principle) be helpful.

Look in particular at p=11. 2^6+2 = 66 (not 68 as misprinted in my previous 
message) appears not to be a quadratic residue modulo 2^11-1 = 2047 and sure 
enough 2^11-1 is composite. 

Interestingly there are _two_ distinct solutions to x^2 mod 2^23-1 = 2^12+2: 
x=+/-2339992 & x=+/-3053916. This suggests that the number of starting values 
for a "successful" L-L test might _exceed_ 2^(p-2) by a factor of _at least_ 
2 i.e. every possible starting value would have to reach 0 after p-2 
iterations - which is clearly absurd.

So perhaps the criterion should be that there is only one _distinct_ solution 
to sqrt (2^(p+1)/2)+2) modulo 2^p-1.

Anyhow if we "play safe" we simply find that, in the case p=23, 4098 is a 
quadratic residue mod 8388607, so we have to run a LL test. Unless we happen 
to notice that 23 is a 3 mod 4 Sophie-Germain prime so 8388607 is divisible 
by 47....

Brian Beesley

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Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 06:59:09 +0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Penultimate Lucas-Lehmer step

On Thursday 11 December 2003 15:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>      Let p > 2 be prime and  Mp = 2^p - 1.
> The familiar Lucas-Lehmer test sets a[0] = 4
> and a[j+1] = a[j]^2 - 2 for j >= 0.
> Mp is prime if and only if a[p-1] == 0 mod Mp.
>     When Mp is prime, then
>         a[p-2]^2 == 2 == 2*Mp + 2 = 2^(p+1)  (mod Mp).
> Taking square roots, either
>        a[p-2] ==  2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp
> or
>        a[p-2] == -2^((p+1)/2) mod Mp.
> Around 20 years ago I heard that nobody could predict
> which of these would occur.  For example,
>       p = 3    a[1] = 4 == 2^2 (mod 7)
>       p = 5    a[3] = 194 == 2^3 (mod 31)
>       p = 7    a[5] = 1416317954 == -2^4 (mod 127).
> Now that 40 Mersenne primes are known, can anyone
> extend this table further?  That will let us test
> heuristics, such as whether both  +- 2^((p+1)/2)
> seem to occur 50% of the time, and
> provide data to support or disprove conjectures.
This is dependent on using the Lucas sequence starting at 4. In practice 
there are a large number of other starting values which could be used - in 
fact, 2^(p-2) of them. AFAIK we happen to use 4 because it is a "nice small 
number" which works for all values of p > 2 - whereas most of the other 
values which work for p don't neccessarily work for q != p.

For instance, with p=3 we could use starting value 3 instead of 4

3^2 - 2 = 7 is congruent to 0 modulo 2^3-1
4^2 - 2 = 14 is congruent to 0 modulo 2^3-1

But other values don't work:

0^2 - 2 = -2 is congruent to 5 modulo 2^3-1
1^2 - 2 = -1 is congruent to 6 modulo 2^3-1
2^2 - 2 = 2 is congruent to 2 modulo 2^3-1
5^2 - 2 = 23 is congruent to 2 modulo 2^3-1
6^2 - 2 = 34 is congruent to 6 modulo 2^3-1

Obviously enough, if k is a quadratic residue modulo n. then so is n-k

(n-k)^2 mod n = n^2 -2kn +k^2 mod n = k^2 mod n

So, in the penultimate step, it _doesn't matter_ whether the actual residue 
is 2^((p+1)/2) or -2^((p+1)/2) - if running one iteration from 2^((p+1)/2) 
doesn't give residue 0, then neither can running one interation from 
- -2((p+1)/2), and vice versa.

So simply testing whether 2^((p+1)/2)+2 is a quadratic residue modulo 2^p-1 
_might_ (in principle) be helpful.

Look in particular at p=11. 2^6+2 = 66 (not 68 as misprinted in my previous 
message) appears not to be a quadratic residue modulo 2^11-1 = 2047 and sure 
enough 2^11-1 is composite. 

Interestingly there are _two_ distinct solutions to x^2 mod 2^23-1 = 2^12+2: 
x=+/-2339992 & x=+/-3053916. This suggests that the number of starting values 
for a "successful" L-L test might _exceed_ 2^(p-2) by a factor of _at least_ 
2 i.e. every possible starting value would have to reach 0 after p-2 
iterations - which is clearly absurd.

So perhaps the criterion should be that there is only one _distinct_ solution 
to sqrt (2^(p+1)/2)+2) modulo 2^p-1.

Anyhow if we "play safe" we simply find that, in the case p=23, 4098 is a 
quadratic residue mod 8388607, so we have to run a LL test. Unless we happen 
to notice that 23 is a 3 mod 4 Sophie-Germain prime so 8388607 is divisible 
by 47....

Brian Beesley

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Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 13:14:33 +0100 (MET)
From: Wojciech Florek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Generalized Mersenne Numbers 

Jean Penne has written about 3^n-2. I've played for a while with
5^n-(5-1)^5=5^n-1024. Of course, for n=5k they are composite; since
4=2^2 they are also composite for even n. Moreover, there are some series
of composite numbers, e.g. for n=10,16,22,28,... they are divisible by 7
(it can be proven), and for n=3k d=31 is a divisor (I had no time to
prove it, but it is easy, I think). These rules excludes many of numbers,
so for n<1000 I've found only three primes:
5^7-1024=77101, 5^11-1024=48827101 and 634-digit one for n=907 (primality
tested by Marcel Martin's Primo.

Wojtek (WsF)

Wojciech Florek (WsF)
Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Physics
ul. Umultowska 85, 61-614 Poznan, Poland

phone: (++48-61) 8295033 fax: (++48-61) 8295167

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Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 13:48:51 +0000
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Another thought on the L-L Test


Another thought struck me - this could have useful applications in L-L 
testing programs.

If M is the Mersenne number being tested & R(i) is the L-L residue after i 
iterations, then
R(i+1) = R(i) * R(i) - 2 (modulo M) (by the statement of the L-L algorithm)

But note that (M - R(i))^2 - 2 = M^2 - 2MR(i) + R(i)^2 - 2
so (M-R(i))^2 - 2 (modulo M) is clearly equal to R(i+1).

How can this be of any use? Well, when we have a dubious iteration (say an 
excessive roundoff or sum error) we can check the output by redoing the last 
iteration but starting from (M-R(i)) instead of R(i) - the output should be 
the same. Furthermore the action of calculating M-R(i) is very easy - just 
invert all the bits.

Also, if we have suspicions about the accuracy of code when there is a high 
density of 1 bits, we can try just one iteration but starting at M-4 instead 
of 4. The output residual should be 14 irrespective of M (providing M>7 - as 
will often be the case!). The point here is that, just as the value 4 is 
represented by a string of p bits only one of which is set, M-4 is 
represented by a string of p bits only one of which is unset.

Brian Beesley
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End of Mersenne Digest V1 #1097

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