for the continuation of the list, we'll need a new name...

I'm suggesting...


is that good for everyone?

 What are these new names.  Is this where majordome(or whatever mailing
list manager you will use) will reside?
 And I want to add my appreciation to Gordon for his long service.

yes. it will be a 'Mailman' based list, which uses a webpage for subscribe/unsubscribe and administrative functions (you CAN still do it via email if you want, but the web interface is much easier to deal with).

I've actually got the list setup and ready to go, but am still waiting for the DNS to be setup for, and then we'll run a day or so of private testing, and go 'live' with the full subscriber list. I think it would be confusing to launch the new list with a temporary name, then change it a few days later.

also, to all you existing subscribers who currently get the digest form... you may have to re-opt for that after I setup the new list, I'll explain this when the time comes.

and, yes, Kudos to Gordon, he's run this list for quite a long time... My archives show I got on it in August 1996, and it was already in progress then, so its at least 8 years old, which is nearly forever in Internet years...

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