Hi Paul,
>  Attached is my application code  which draws a texture map in a GLw Drawing
>  Area widget. It works with SGI.
>  Trying to port to Linux.
>  App seems to work fine with Mesa 3.0 when built with linux-386-pthread.
>  On trying to accelerate with VoodooII, building linux-*-glide-* the texture
>  map fails to display unless the widget receives an expose event. When it
> receives an expose event, it displays briefly and then disappears.

Paul, I think your bug report is for me however I'm going to start for a
small easter vaction in 2 hours. I hope to check your problem the next



David Bucciarelli

Humanware S.r.l.
Via XXIV Maggio 62, Pisa, Italy
Tel./Fax +39-50-554108
www: http://www-hmw.caribel.pisa.it

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