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Jukka Honkela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I dunno who is the "correct" person to contact in this matter so I
> thought to write to you.
> There is currently one annoying point about MesaCVS. it's the fact that
> XRacer kills X because of mesa.. (
> XRacer uses "excessive" amounts of opengl display lists.. more than 5000
> currently. And it seems to be that MesaCVS is not very happy with this.
> I noted that the implementation of display lists have changed a bit
> (the concept of cassettes have appeared?) since 3.0 and something in this
> causes huge amounts of memory to be used..
> Mesa 3.0 apparently works ok.. Also, the version of MesaCVS that I and most
> others are using is about two weeks old because the later versions do not
> compile (at least for me; no GGI, linux)
> Why I'm using MesaCVS? Well, mainly because G200 & GLX requires it..
> As a conclusion, all this means that g200 owners users cannot play XRacer
> which I find quite a bit annoying :-(
> best wishes,
>         Jukka Honkela

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