Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: 6f5abf31466aedd63234aa318f8d2d0e4cb35570

Author: Kenneth Graunke <>
Date:   Tue Oct 10 01:02:44 2017 -0700

i965: Fix output register sizes when multiple variables share a slot.

ARB_enhanced_layouts allows multiple output variables to share the same
location - and these variables may not have the same sizes.  For
example, consider these output variables:

   // consume X/Y/Z components of 6 vectors
   layout(location = 0) out vec3 a[6];

   // consumes W component of the first vector
   layout(location = 0, component = 3) out float b;

Looking at the first declaration, we see that VARYING_SLOT_VAR0 needs 24
components worth of space (vec3 padded out to a vec4, 4 * 6 = 24).  But
looking at the second declaration, we would think that VARYING_SLOT_VAR0
needs only 4 components of space (a single float padded out to a vec4).

nir_setup_outputs() only considered the space requirements of the first
declaration it happened to see, so if 'float b' came first, it would
underallocate the output register space, causing brw_fs_validator.cpp
to assert fail about inst->dst.offset exceeding the register size.

Fixes Piglit's tests/spec/arb_enhanced_layouts/execution/component-layout/

Thanks to Tim Arceri for finding this bug and writing a test!

Reviewed-by: Timothy Arceri <>


 src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp | 23 ++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp 
index 425c52c991..7ed44f534c 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_fs_nir.cpp
@@ -53,14 +53,27 @@ fs_visitor::nir_setup_outputs()
    if (stage == MESA_SHADER_TESS_CTRL || stage == MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT)
+   unsigned vec4s[VARYING_SLOT_TESS_MAX] = { 0, };
+   /* Calculate the size of output registers in a separate pass, before
+    * allocating them.  With ARB_enhanced_layouts, multiple output variables
+    * may occupy the same slot, but have different type sizes.
+    */
    nir_foreach_variable(var, &nir->outputs) {
-      const unsigned vec4s =
+      const int loc = var->data.driver_location;
+      const unsigned var_vec4s =
          var->data.compact ? DIV_ROUND_UP(glsl_get_length(var->type), 4)
                            : type_size_vec4(var->type);
-      fs_reg reg = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F, 4 * vec4s);
-      for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec4s; i++) {
-         if (outputs[var->data.driver_location + i].file == BAD_FILE)
-            outputs[var->data.driver_location + i] = offset(reg, bld, 4 * i);
+      vec4s[loc] = MAX2(vec4s[loc], var_vec4s);
+   }
+   nir_foreach_variable(var, &nir->outputs) {
+      const int loc = var->data.driver_location;
+      if (outputs[loc].file == BAD_FILE) {
+         fs_reg reg = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F, 4 * vec4s[loc]);
+         for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec4s[loc]; i++) {
+            outputs[loc + i] = offset(reg, bld, 4 * i);
+         }

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