FYI, I've extended my apitrace project to be able not only to show a
list of GL calls, but also replay them.

The idea is to facilitate reproduction of bugs, help finding
regressions, and do it across different platforms.

Code is in

There is a sample trace on which can be replayed

  glretrace -db topogun-1.06-orc-84k.trace

GL API is massive, and spite code generation being used, there are many
holes. The biggest is non-immediate non-vbo arrays/elements drawing
(ie., glXxxxxxPointer with pointer to vertices instead of offsets). And
there's much more listed in the TODO file. There are also many places
where the size of arrays depend on another parameter and an auxiliary
function is needed.

Cover the whole GL API is an herculean task, so help would be very much


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