On Tue, 20 Sep 2011 08:20:27 -0700
Paul Berry <stereotype...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 September 2011 01:05, Tolga Dalman <tolga.dal...@googlemail.com>wrote:
> Tolga, your uneasiness is certainly justified in terms of conventional
> wisdom.  As someone who used to write numerical analysis software, I cringe
> whenever I see floats compared using ==, because I know that this is almost
> always a bad idea because of rounding errors.  But there are occasional
> exceptions, and I think this is one of them, for two reasons:
> (a) most of the time when one is tempted to compare two floats for equality,
> it's worse to have a false negative (classifying two floats as unequal when
> in fact they're only unequal because of rounding errors) than to have a
> false positive (classifying two floats as equal when in fact they're not
> quite equal because of rounding errors).  But since the is_one() and
> is_zero() functions are used to identify opportunities for optimizing the
> shader, a false negative just means that we might occasionally generate less
> optimal code, and a false positive means the shader would produce incorrect
> outputs.  In this case a false positive is worse, so we should err on the
> side of classifying floats as unequal, even if they are very close.
> (b) the vast majority of the 1.0 and 0.0 values that we need to identify
> with the is_one() and is_zero() functions either come from literal 1.0 and
> 0.0 values (either in Mesa code or in the user's shaders) or from trivial
> algebraic simplifications like 2.0 - 1.0 => 1.0.  Since these values can be
> represented perfectly in floats, there isn't an opportunity for rounding
> errors to accumulate.

Fair enough. So the real question here is, which variant produces better
results -- I suspect the current behavior might be even better due to your
reasoning above.

> I also found your proposed alternative a little surprising:
> fabs(imm.f - 1.0) < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()
> When rounding errors accumulate, they typically wind up being much larger
> than epsilon().  If your goal is to make the test tolerant of rounding
> errors, wouldn't you need a value much larger than epsilon() as your
> threshold?  Or is your goal to get the same computational effect without the
> cringe-worthiness of using "=="?

If rounding errors exceed epsilon, the compared objects are no longer equal. The
reasoning here is the other way round: applying '==' on ambigous representations
of the same value is plain wrong, whereas I believe comparing to epsilon is a
more correct way (though more expensive in terms of performance).
> In any case I think this discussion may be moot, because AFAICT this patch
> doesn't apply on master--brw_vec4.cpp has never had a src_reg_is_zero() or
> src_reg_is_one() function.  Or am I missing something?

It is not my aim to start a discussion leading nowhere. I just wondered in the
first place whether my proposal might improve the current code.

Thanks for clarification!
Tolga Dalman
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