Bump, any interest in this?

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 1:09 AM, Nicholas Bishop <nbis...@neverware.com>

> Hi,
> I'd like to propose a conversion of Mesa's documentation to
> reStructuredText (RST) and hosting the result on readthedocs.org. The
> intent is to make Mesa's documentation more accessible, searchable, and
> easier to edit.
> I put together a quick proof-of-concept here:
>     http://mesa-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html
>     (For comparison: http://mesa3d.org/intro.html)
> Readthedocs.org essentially renders either Markdown or RST from a git
> repository (or other VCS) into a nice pretty set of HTML pages. (I'm more
> familiar with Markdown than RST, but I saw the Gallium docs are already
> using RST on readthedocs.org.)
> Putting the content in RST and on readthedocs.org makes formatting and
> searching easy, and it's a familiar platform for many developers.
> For the linked proof-of-concept I used pandoc (http://pandoc.org/) to
> convert all the HTML pages to RST, on top of which I did some minor editing
> to make the table of contents look reasonable. It's by no means a finished
> conversion, but I hope having something to look at can make discussion
> easier. This is all just a few hours work, but of course proofing and
> correcting all the text/formatting would take somewhat longer.
> Here's the git repo that readthedocs.org is pulling from:
> https://github.com/nicholasbishop/mesa-docs/tree/master/docs
> Thoughts?
> -Nicholas
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