On 09/09/2016 04:27 AM, Emil Velikov wrote:
On 8 September 2016 at 18:46, Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com> wrote:
From: Kyle Brenneman <kbrenne...@nvidia.com>

Added a label to the _EGLThreadInfo, _EGLDisplay, and EGLResource
structs. Implemented the function eglLabelObjectKHR.

Coding style of the new hunk follows the GLVND one, which is _not_
what we use in mesa/egl. Please don't do that ?

Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com>
  src/egl/main/eglapi.c     | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  src/egl/main/eglcurrent.c |  9 +++++++
  src/egl/main/eglcurrent.h |  4 +++
  src/egl/main/egldisplay.h |  4 +++
  4 files changed, 80 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/egl/main/eglapi.c b/src/egl/main/eglapi.c
index df2dcd6..31b842f 100644
--- a/src/egl/main/eglapi.c
+++ b/src/egl/main/eglapi.c
@@ -1791,6 +1791,68 @@ eglExportDMABUFImageMESA(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLImage image,
     RETURN_EGL_EVAL(disp, ret);

+      EGLDisplay dpy,
+      EGLenum objectType,
+      EGLObjectKHR object,
+      EGLLabelKHR label)
Incorrect alignment.

+   if (objectType == EGL_OBJECT_THREAD_KHR) {
+      _EGLThreadInfo *t = _eglGetCurrentThread();
Add blank newline after variable declarations.

+      if (!_eglIsCurrentThreadDummy()) {
+         t->Label = label;
+      }
Drop {} when they encapsulate a single line on code (unless the other
side of the conditional has them).

+      return EGL_SUCCESS;
+   } else {
This else can do. This and the above two apply for the rest of the patch.

+      _EGLDisplay *disp = _eglLookupDisplay(dpy);
+      if (disp == NULL) {
+         _eglError(EGL_BAD_DISPLAY, "eglLabelObjectKHR");
+         return EGL_BAD_DISPLAY;
+      }
+      if (objectType == EGL_OBJECT_DISPLAY_KHR) {
+         if (dpy != (EGLDisplay) object) {
+            _eglError(EGL_BAD_PARAMETER, "eglLabelObjectKHR");
+            return EGL_BAD_PARAMETER;
+         }
+         disp->Label = label;
+         return EGL_SUCCESS;
+      } else {
+         _EGLResourceType type;
+         switch (objectType)
+         {
+            case EGL_OBJECT_CONTEXT_KHR:
+               type = _EGL_RESOURCE_CONTEXT;
+               break;
+            case EGL_OBJECT_SURFACE_KHR:
+               type = _EGL_RESOURCE_SURFACE;
+               break;
+            case EGL_OBJECT_IMAGE_KHR:
+               type = _EGL_RESOURCE_IMAGE;
+               break;
+            case EGL_OBJECT_SYNC_KHR:
+               type = _EGL_RESOURCE_SYNC;
+               break;
+            case EGL_OBJECT_STREAM_KHR:
+            default:
+                _eglError(EGL_BAD_PARAMETER, "eglLabelObjectKHR");
+               return EGL_BAD_PARAMETER;
+         }
     The <display> does not need to be initialized for <objectType>
     EGL_OBJECT_THREAD_KHR, or EGL_OBJECT_DISPLAY_KHR; However for all other
     types it must be initialized in order to validate the <object> for
     attaching a label.

+         if (_eglCheckResource(object, type, disp)) {
With the above said, I'm not sure of this will be sufficient.
_eglCheckResource checks if the resource is linked, with unlinking
happening via
a) destroy<objectType>
Mildly related: we seem to have a bug for EGL_OBJECT_SYNC_KHR, where
we unconditionally unblock and destroy, while we should flag for

b) eglTerminate
It detaches/unlinks only contexts and surfaces (bug?). Thus even when
the display is no longer initialized we will get get to this point and
_eglCheckResource() will return true.

c) eglReleaseThread
Takes care of the error, bound API and current ctx state.
Would it be sufficient to call _eglLockDisplay instead of _eglLookupDisplay, and then check the disp->Initialized flag for the other object types? That way, it could just return EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED for an uninitialized display, even if the EGLObjectKHR handle points to some object that's still lingering after an eglTerminate call.

+ * Returns the label set for the current thread.
+ */
+EGLLabelKHR _eglGetThreadLabel(void)
+   _EGLThreadInfo *t = _eglGetCurrentThread();
+   return t->Label;
Shouldn't the label be cleared in eglReleaseThread ?
It is, albeit indirectly. eglReleaseThread frees the whole _EGLThreadInfo struct, so the next call to _eglGetCurrentThread will return an _EGLThreadInfo struct without a thread label. Though, _eglGetThreadLabel probably should call _eglIsCurrentThreadDummy first so that it doesn't try to create create a new _EGLThreadInfo if it doesn't have to.

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