On Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 09:41:13PM -0700, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Jason Ekstrand <ja...@jlekstrand.net>
> ---
>  src/intel/vulkan/anv_blorp.c      |  60 ++++++++++++++++
>  src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_clear.c | 141 
> --------------------------------------
>  2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_blorp.c b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_blorp.c
> index 699032b..546737b 100644
> --- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_blorp.c
> +++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_blorp.c
> @@ -809,6 +809,66 @@ void anv_CmdClearColorImage(
>     blorp_batch_finish(&batch);
>  }
> +void anv_CmdClearDepthStencilImage(
> +    VkCommandBuffer                             commandBuffer,
> +    VkImage                                     image_h,
> +    VkImageLayout                               imageLayout,
> +    const VkClearDepthStencilValue*             pDepthStencil,
> +    uint32_t                                    rangeCount,
> +    const VkImageSubresourceRange*              pRanges)
> +{
> +   ANV_FROM_HANDLE(anv_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
> +   ANV_FROM_HANDLE(anv_image, image, image_h);
> +
> +   struct blorp_batch batch;
> +   blorp_batch_init(&cmd_buffer->device->blorp, &batch, cmd_buffer, 0);
> +
> +   struct blorp_surf depth, stencil;
> +   if (image->aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) {
> +      get_blorp_surf_for_anv_image(image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT,
> +                                   &depth);
> +   } else {
> +      memset(&depth, 0, sizeof(depth));
> +   }
> +
> +   if (image->aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT) {
> +      get_blorp_surf_for_anv_image(image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT,
> +                                   &stencil);
> +   } else {
> +      memset(&stencil, 0, sizeof(stencil));
> +   }
> +
> +   for (unsigned r = 0; r < rangeCount; r++) {
> +      if (pRanges[r].aspectMask == 0)
> +         continue;
> +
> +      bool clear_depth = pRanges[r].aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT;
> +      bool clear_stencil = pRanges[r].aspectMask & 
> +
> +      unsigned base_layer = pRanges[r].baseArrayLayer;
> +      unsigned layer_count = pRanges[r].layerCount;
> +
> +      for (unsigned i = 0; i < pRanges[r].levelCount; i++) {
> +         const unsigned level = pRanges[r].baseMipLevel + i;
> +         const unsigned level_width = anv_minify(image->extent.width, level);
> +         const unsigned level_height = anv_minify(image->extent.height, 
> level);
> +
> +         if (image->type == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D) {
> +            base_layer = 0;

In the current pass below we only override the layer_count leaving base_layer
alone. Otherwise this looks functionally the same. With some explanation or
comment added:

Reviewed-by: Topi Pohjolainen <topi.pohjolai...@intel.com>

> +            layer_count = anv_minify(image->extent.depth, level);
> +         }
> +
> +         blorp_clear_depth_stencil(&batch, &depth, &stencil,
> +                                   level, base_layer, layer_count,
> +                                   0, 0, level_width, level_height,
> +                                   clear_depth, pDepthStencil->depth,
> +                                   clear_stencil, pDepthStencil->stencil);
> +      }
> +   }
> +
> +   blorp_batch_finish(&batch);
> +}
> +
>  static void
>  resolve_image(struct blorp_batch *batch,
>                const struct anv_image *src_image,
> diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_clear.c 
> b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_clear.c
> index 11b471f..ce7f8a7 100644
> --- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_clear.c
> +++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_meta_clear.c
> @@ -752,147 +752,6 @@ anv_cmd_buffer_clear_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer 
> *cmd_buffer)
>     meta_clear_end(&saved_state, cmd_buffer);
>  }
> -void anv_CmdClearDepthStencilImage(
> -    VkCommandBuffer                             commandBuffer,
> -    VkImage                                     image_h,
> -    VkImageLayout                               imageLayout,
> -    const VkClearDepthStencilValue*             pDepthStencil,
> -    uint32_t                                    rangeCount,
> -    const VkImageSubresourceRange*              pRanges)
> -{
> -   ANV_FROM_HANDLE(anv_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
> -   ANV_FROM_HANDLE(anv_image, image, image_h);
> -   struct anv_meta_saved_state saved_state;
> -
> -   meta_clear_begin(&saved_state, cmd_buffer);
> -
> -   VkDevice device_h = anv_device_to_handle(cmd_buffer->device);
> -
> -   for (uint32_t r = 0; r < rangeCount; r++) {
> -      const VkImageSubresourceRange *range = &pRanges[r];
> -      for (uint32_t l = 0; l < anv_get_levelCount(image, range); ++l) {
> -         const uint32_t layer_count = image->type == VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D ?
> -                                      anv_minify(image->extent.depth, l) :
> -                                      anv_get_layerCount(image, range);
> -         for (uint32_t s = 0; s < layer_count; ++s) {
> -            struct anv_image_view iview;
> -            anv_image_view_init(&iview, cmd_buffer->device,
> -               &(VkImageViewCreateInfo) {
> -                  .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_VIEW_CREATE_INFO,
> -                  .image = anv_image_to_handle(image),
> -                  .viewType = anv_meta_get_view_type(image),
> -                  .format = image->vk_format,
> -                  .subresourceRange = {
> -                     .aspectMask = range->aspectMask,
> -                     .baseMipLevel = range->baseMipLevel + l,
> -                     .levelCount = 1,
> -                     .baseArrayLayer = range->baseArrayLayer + s,
> -                     .layerCount = 1
> -                  },
> -               },
> -               cmd_buffer, VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT);
> -
> -            VkFramebuffer fb;
> -            anv_CreateFramebuffer(device_h,
> -               &(VkFramebufferCreateInfo) {
> -                  .attachmentCount = 1,
> -                  .pAttachments = (VkImageView[]) {
> -                     anv_image_view_to_handle(&iview),
> -                  },
> -                  .width = iview.extent.width,
> -                  .height = iview.extent.height,
> -                  .layers = 1
> -               },
> -               &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc,
> -               &fb);
> -
> -            VkAttachmentDescription att_desc = {
> -               .format = image->vk_format,
> -               .loadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD,
> -               .storeOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE,
> -               .stencilLoadOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD,
> -               .stencilStoreOp = VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE,
> -               .initialLayout = imageLayout,
> -               .finalLayout = imageLayout,
> -            };
> -
> -            const VkAttachmentReference att_ref = {
> -               .attachment = 0,
> -               .layout = imageLayout,
> -            };
> -
> -            VkSubpassDescription subpass_desc = {
> -               .pipelineBindPoint = VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS,
> -               .inputAttachmentCount = 0,
> -               .colorAttachmentCount = 0,
> -               .pColorAttachments = NULL,
> -               .pResolveAttachments = NULL,
> -               .pDepthStencilAttachment = &att_ref,
> -               .preserveAttachmentCount = 0,
> -               .pPreserveAttachments = NULL,
> -            };
> -
> -            VkRenderPass pass;
> -            anv_CreateRenderPass(device_h,
> -               &(VkRenderPassCreateInfo) {
> -                  .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_CREATE_INFO,
> -                  .attachmentCount = 1,
> -                  .pAttachments = &att_desc,
> -                  .subpassCount = 1,
> -                  .pSubpasses = &subpass_desc,
> -               },
> -               &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc,
> -               &pass);
> -
> -            
> ANV_CALL(CmdBeginRenderPass)(anv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer),
> -               &(VkRenderPassBeginInfo) {
> -                  .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_RENDER_PASS_BEGIN_INFO,
> -                  .renderArea = {
> -                     .offset = { 0, 0, },
> -                     .extent = {
> -                        .width = iview.extent.width,
> -                        .height = iview.extent.height,
> -                     },
> -                  },
> -                  .renderPass = pass,
> -                  .framebuffer = fb,
> -                  .clearValueCount = 0,
> -                  .pClearValues = NULL,
> -               },
> -               VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE);
> -
> -            VkClearAttachment clear_att = {
> -               .aspectMask = range->aspectMask,
> -               .colorAttachment = 0,
> -               .clearValue = {
> -                  .depthStencil = *pDepthStencil,
> -               },
> -            };
> -
> -            VkClearRect clear_rect = {
> -               .rect = {
> -                  .offset = { 0, 0 },
> -                  .extent = { iview.extent.width, iview.extent.height },
> -               },
> -               .baseArrayLayer = range->baseArrayLayer,
> -               .layerCount = 1, /* FINISHME: clear multi-layer framebuffer */
> -            };
> -
> -            emit_clear(cmd_buffer, &clear_att, &clear_rect);
> -
> -            ANV_CALL(CmdEndRenderPass)(anv_cmd_buffer_to_handle(cmd_buffer));
> -            ANV_CALL(DestroyRenderPass)(device_h, pass,
> -                                        &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc);
> -            ANV_CALL(DestroyFramebuffer)(device_h, fb,
> -                                         &cmd_buffer->pool->alloc);
> -         }
> -      }
> -   }
> -
> -   meta_clear_end(&saved_state, cmd_buffer);
> -}
> -
>  void anv_CmdClearAttachments(
>      VkCommandBuffer                             commandBuffer,
>      uint32_t                                    attachmentCount,
> -- 
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