On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Alexander von Gluck
<kallis...@unixzen.com> wrote:
> Good afternoon!
> The Haiku OS project (not-for-profit organization, founded in 2001) has
> found ourselves in a weird spot, we have a working Mesa software
> render library based on a *heavily* modified Mesa 7.4.4.
> http://cgit.haiku-os.org/haiku/tree/src/libs/mesa
> However as you can imagine, updating that is going to be a *big*
> pain point.  As Haiku is looking to get some basic 3D rendering
> going on it's cards, we need to do upgrade to a newer version of
> Mesa.
> If we produced well thought out Haiku OS support patches, would
> Mesa as a project be interested in accepting them upstream? I think
> a better direction may be to move away from the heavily custom
> integrated mesa library and move to stock version.
> These patches would likely start as run-of-the-mill #ifdef __HAIKU__
> macros.
> As Haiku has a much smaller developer base then Mesa (20-30 commiters)
> these first steps would greatly assist us in getting hardware assisted
> 3d acceleration going.
> Keep in mind this is all early analysis, I haven't tried porting 7.11.2
> yet :)

In general I'm happy to take patches for Haiku.  But I wouldn't want
to see #ifdef __HAIKU__ lines scattered all over the code.  Hopefully,
that can be limited to header files as with other platforms.

What GPUs/cards do you need to support?  Does this involve restoring
any legacy drivers that were removed a few weeks ago?  Could you move
to Gallium-based drivers?

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