Quoting Rogovin, Kevin (2017-09-26 10:35:44)
> Hi,
>   Attached to this message are the following:
>      1. a file giving example usage of the tool with a modified apitrace to 
> produce json output
>      2. the patches to apitrace to make it BatchbufferLogger aware
>      3. the JSON files (gzipped) made from the example.
> I encourage (and hope) people will take a look at the JSON to see the 
> potential of the tool.

The automatic apitrace-esque logging seems very useful. How easy would
it be to write that trace into a bo and associate with the execbuffer
(from my pov, it should be that hard)? That way you could get the most
recent actions before a GPU hang, attach them to a bug and decode them
at leisure. (An extension may be to keep a ring of the last N traces so
that you can see some setup a few batches ago that triggered a hang in
this one.)

I presume you already have such a plan, and I'm just preaching to the
mesa-dev mailing list

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