On 25.11.2017 18:46, Jason Ekstrand wrote:
I'm not quite some sure what I think about this.  I think I would like to see $new_thing at least replace the guts of GBM. Whether GBM becomes a wrapper around $new_thing or $new_thing implements the GBM API, I'm not sure.  What I don't think I want is to see GBM development continuing on it's own so we have two competing solutions.

I *think* I like the idea of having $new_thing implement GBM as a deprecated legacy API.  Whether that means we start by pulling GBM out into it's own project or we start over, I don't know.  My feeling is that the current dri_interface is *not* what we want which is why starting with GBM makes me nervous.

Why not?

The most basic part of the dri_interface is just a __driDriverGetExtensions_xxx function that returns an array of pointers to extension structures derived from __DRIextension.

That is *perfectly fine*.

I completely agree if you limit your statement to saying that the current *set of extensions* that are exposed by this interface are full of X-isms, and it's a good idea to do a thorough house-cleaning in there. This can go all the way up to eventually phasing out the DRI_Core "extension" as far as I'm concerned.

I know it's tempting to reinvent the world every couple of years, but it's just *better* to find an evolutionary path that makes sense.


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