Hello Jean, 

Am Montag, den 15.01.2018, 20:15 +0000 schrieb Jean Hertel:
> I have written a simply application like DRI Conf tool.
> It is written using GTKmm and C++.

Unfortunately, it didn't link properly, so I send you a pull request to
correct the Boost_LOCALE dependency. 

Then it crashed with std::bas_alloc that also printed a Python (?!) 
ValueError (opened an issue for that):


Because of this I could not really test the application. I'll see
whether I can find the culprit later.

> Main Features (apart from what is already available in driconf):
> - Automatic removal of invalid options (Options that the driver
> doesn't support at all)
> - Options that have the same value as the system wide options or
> driver default will be ignored
Makes sense. 

> - Applications with empty options (all options are the same as
> system-wide config or driver default) will be removed automatically
I don't think that is such a good idea, what happens if someone wants
to try out options to compare to the defaults? The application
shouldn't get removed automatically when the user sets all to default.

> Current TODOs:
> - Tests? Implementing testing for the software would be very nice

> - Remove Boost dependency? (Currently boost.locale is used to get the
> ISO-639 language id, to properly parse Mesa3d translations)
If the OS provides a propper packaging system having one dependency
more should not be a problem. 

I'll take a look at the code itself later. 


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