On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 6:44 AM, Mario Kleiner
<mario.kleiner...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/17/2018 05:49 AM, Marek Olšák wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 3:21 AM, Mario Kleiner
>> <mario.kleiner...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 01/16/2018 11:47 PM, Marek Olšák wrote:
>>>> Why?
>>> Because the bug reports i've seen so far seem to be not caused by
>>> something
>>> specific to the i965 implementation, but by some other client application
>>> or
>>> compositor being incompatible. Therefore i'd expect the same problems in
>>> clients/compositors to happen with gallium drivers.
>>> E.g., the gnome-shell bugs happen on all 10 bit drivers. So it would make
>>> sense for rgb10 to be off by default consistently on all drivers, but
>>> with
>>> the ability to switch it on via drirc.
>> If we re-enable this in the future, current and older gnome shell will
>> be broken, so is it even useful to disable it?
>> Marek
> I don't know what the right approach is here. It just felt right to make the
> default consistent across Mesa's drivers, regardless if that default is on
> or off, as far as i'm concerned. Without enabled by default there's no
> trigger for projects to fix their code. With it enabled we will get probably
> lots of bug reports from incompatible software that won't get fixed quickly.
> I wouldn't be surprised if most basic Wayland compositors apart from Weston
> would have trouble. Or much stuff that runs on new X-Server 1.19.6 or master
> with all those new 32 bpp compositing visuals exposed. I will do some
> testing on that sometime in the coming days.

If we get bug reports, we can reject them and redirect people to the
correct desktop component.

> We could also ship an updated drirc which sets it globally on and is easily
> user editable for debugging/working around stuff, and add app specific
> workarounds for applications we know already to be broken.
> We should get that other patch, that you and Tapani already reviewed, into
> master before Mesa 18-rc1 is branched, so one can enable i965 rgb10 support
> again via drirc for testing on Intel, also to simplify testing via the oibaf
> or padoka ppa's.

I don't remember which patch it is. Just send me what you need pushed
and I'll do it.

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