On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:43 AM, Jason Ekstrand <ja...@jlekstrand.net> wrote:
> Since we've been on GitLab (it's been less than a week), we've already
> gotten a couple of developer access requests through GitLab.  As it stands,
> these just show up as an e-mail to the group owners with zero explanation or
> opportunity for the requester to provide justification for the request.
> This is clearly worse than the bugzilla system we had before.
> I don't think we want to change the general guidelines for getting commit
> access of ~2 dozen patches, good standing, and an understanding of the Mesa
> code review process.  However, we do need to do something else for
> requesting access so we have some real dialogue and provide opportunities
> for people from the same area of Mesa that the new developer wants to work
> in to vouch for them.
> My recommendation (if no one minds) would be to create a mesa "accounts"
> project that doesn't have a git repo or anything else and just provides an
> issue tracker.  People could then use that much in the same way as they've
> used Bugzilla in the past to request accounts.  If people would rather stick
> to bugzilla, that's fine with me.  I just thought this would be a relatively
> painless way to try out the issue tracker.

I guess in the long run, if we switch over to gitlab issue tracker for
"real" bugs, I was kinda expecting account requests would just be a
special component in the mesa project's issue tracker, instead of a
special project.

Either way, I agree w/ keeping the the process of filling an issue/bz,
and keeping the same general guidelines (wherever the issues/bzs live,
ie same project, different project, or bugzilla).

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