Hi all,

Here is the tentative release plan for 18.2.0.

Although the initial plan was to have the first release candidate by
the end of this week, a slip of mind in my side on sending this plan is
shifting the current schedule at mesa3d.org. We'll update the release
schedule there soon.

 Aug 01 2018 - Feature freeze/Release candidate 1
 Aug 08 2018 - Release candidate 2
 Aug 15 2018 - Release candidate 3
 Aug 22 2018 - Release candidate 4/final release

This gives us approximately two weeks until the branch point.

Note: In the spririt of keeping things clearer and more transparent, we
will be keeping track of any features planned for the release in
Bugzilla [1].

Do add a separate "Depends on" for each work you have planned.
Alternatively you can reply to this email and I'll add them for you.

[1] https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106156


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