For what it's worth, I've prototyped both 1 and 3 and I don't like either:

I'm going to try 2B next week.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 4:11 PM Jason Ekstrand <> wrote:

> All,
> This week, I've been working on trying to move UBO and SSBO access in NIR
> over to deref instructions.  I'm hoping that this will allow us to start
> doing alias analysis and copy-propagation on it.  The passes we have in NIR
> *should* be able to work with SSBOs as long as nir_compare_derefs does the
> right thing.
> # A story about derefs
> In that effort, I've run into a bit of a snag with how to represent the
> layout information.  What we get in from SPIR-V for Vulkan is a byte offset
> for every struct member and a byte stride for every array (and pointer in
> the OpPtrAccessChain case).  For matrices, there is an additional RowMajor
> boolean we need to track somewhere.  With OpenCL memory access, you don't
> get these decorations but it's trivial to translate the OpenCL layout (It's
> the same as C) to offset/stride when creating the type.  I've come up with
> three different ways to represent the information and they all have their
> own downsides:
> ## 1. Put the information on the glsl_type similar to how it's done in
> This has the advantage of being fairly non-invasive to glsl_type.  A lot
> of the fields we need are already there and the only real change is to
> allow array types to have strides.  The downside is that the information is
> often not where you want.  Arrays and structs are ok but, for matrices, you
> have to go fishing all the way back to the struct type to get the RowMajor
> and MatrixStride decorations.  (Thanks, SPIR-V...)  While this seems like a
> local annoyance, it actually destroys basically all the advantages of
> having the information on the type and makes lower_io a real pain.
> ## 2. Put the information on the type but do it properly
> In this version, we would put the matrix stride and RowMajor decoration
> directly on the matrix type.  One obvious advantage here is that it means
> no fishing for matrix type information.  Another is that, by having the
> types specialized like this, the only way to change layouts mid-deref-chain
> would be to have a cast.  Option 1 doesn't provide this because matrix
> types are the same regardless of whether or not they're declared RowMajor
> in the struct.  The downside to this option is that it requires glsl_type
> surgery to make it work.  More on that in a bit.
> ## 3. Put the information directly on the deref
> Instead of putting the stride/offset information on the type, we just put
> it on the deref as we build the deref chain.  This is easy enough to do in
> spirv_to_nir and someone could also do it easily enough as a lowering pass
> based on a type_size function.  This has the advantage of simplicity
> because you don't have to modify glsl_type at all and lowering is
> stupid-easy because all the information you need is right there on the
> deref.  The downside, however, is that you alias analysis is potentially
> harder because you don't have the nice guarantee that you don't see a
> layout change without a type cast.  The other downside is that we can't
> ever use copy_deref with anything bigger than a vector because you don't
> know the sizes of any types and, unless spirv_to_nir puts the offset/stride
> information on the deref, there's now way to reconstruct it.
> I've prototyped both 1 and 3 so far and I definitely like 3 better than 1
> but it's not great.  I haven't prototyped 2 yet due to the issue mentioned
> with glsl_type.
> Between 2 and 3, I really don't know how much we actually loose in terms
> of our ability to do alias analysis.  I've written the alias analysis for 3
> and it isn't too bad.  I'm also not sure how much we would actually loose
> from not being able to express whole-array or whole-struct copies.
> However, without a good reason otherwise, option 2 really seems like it's
> the best of all worlds....
> # glsl_type surgery
> You want a good reason, eh?  You should have known this was coming...
> The problem with option 2 above is that it requires significant glsl_type
> surgery to do it.  Putting decorations on matrices violates one of the core
> principals of glsl_type, namely that all fundamental types: scalars,
> vectors, matrices, images, and samplers are singletons.  Other types such
> as structs and arrays we build on-the-fly and cache as-needed.  In order to
> do what we need for option 2 above, you have to at least drop this for
> matrices and possibly vectors (the columns of a row-major mat4 are vectors
> with a stride of 16).  Again, I see two options:
> ## A. Major rework of the guts of glsl_type
> Basically, get rid of the static singletons and just use the build
> on-the-fly and cache model for everything.  This would mean that mat4 ==
> mat4 is no longer guaranteed unless you know a priori that none of your
> types are decorated with layout information.  It would also be, not only a
> pile of work, but a single mega-patch.  I don't know of any way to make
> that change without just ripping it all up and putting it back together.
> ## B. Make a new nir_type and make NIR use it
> This seems a bit crazy at this point.  src/compiler/nir itself has over
> 200 references to glsl_type and that doesn't include back-ends.  It'd be a
> major overhaul and it's not clear that it's worth it.  However, it would
> mean that we'd have a chance to rewrite types and maybe do it better.
> Basing it on nir_alu_type instead of glsl_base_type would be really nice
> because nir_alu_type already has an orthogonal split between bit size and
> format (float, uint, etc.).  I would also likely structure it like vtn_type
> which has a different base_type concept which I find works better than
> glsl_base_type.
> Of course, A would be less invasive than B but B would give us the chance
> to improve some things without rewriting quite as many levels of the
> compiler.  There are a number of things I think we could do better but
> changing those in the GLSL compiler would be a *lot* of work especially
> since it doesn't use the C helpers that NIR does.  On the other hand, the
> churn in NIR from introducing a new type data structure would be pretty
> big.  I did a quick git grep and it looks like most of the back-ends make
> pretty light use of glsl_type when it consuming NIR so maybe it wouldn't be
> that bad?
> Thoughts?  Questions?  Objections?
> --Jason
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