I made another pass and I think I solved it in the correct way.  I
think the problem was that the test needed to be updated to take into
consideration that the extension can apply to GLES 3.0 and not just
GLES 3.1.

On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 1:13 PM Fritz Koenig <frkoe...@google.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to be able to use the MESA_framebuffer_flip_y extension
> in GLES 3.0.  The blocker is that FramebufferParameteri is not part of
> GLES 3.0.  I have explored a couple of ways of achieving this.
> 1.   FramebufferParameteri was first provided by the GL extension
> ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments.  However,
> ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments was never a GLES extension.  An option
> would be to modify the ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments spec to make it
> an extension for GLES.
> 2.  Change the MESA_framebuffer_flip_y spec to allow the extension to
> implement FramebufferParameteri.
> I choose the 2nd option and put together a pr for it[1].
> I didn't get the implementation quite right, and I'm looking for some
> help.  My change is failing the DispatchSanity_test.GLES3 test:
> [ RUN      ] DispatchSanity_test.GLES3
> ../src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp:174: Failure
>       Expected: nop_table[i]
>       Which is: 0x563d50d6fa01
> To be equal to: table[i]
>       Which is: 0x563d50db158a
> i = 888 (FramebufferParameteri)
> ../src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp:174: Failure
>       Expected: nop_table[i]
>       Which is: 0x563d50d6fa01
> To be equal to: table[i]
>       Which is: 0x563d50db1add
> i = 889 (GetFramebufferParameteriv)
> [  FAILED  ] DispatchSanity_test.GLES3 (1 ms)
> It appears there is a problem with the way that I'm
> defining/redefining FramebufferParameteri.  I've tried adding it to
> src/mapi/glapi/gen/es_EXT.xml, but the only way I was able to achieve
> that was to give it a different function name and an alias.
> Does anyone have experience with this sort of backporting of
> extensions that could offer some insight on what I might be doing
> wrong?
> Thanks.
> -Fritz
> [1]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/merge_requests/1560
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