Hello everyone,

I'm happy to announce the next release candidate, 23.3.0-rc4.

As always, if you find any issues please report them here:

Any issue that should block the release of 23.3.0 final, thus adding
more 23.3.0-rc* release candidates, must be added to this milestone:

The next release candidate is expected in one week, on November 22th.



Connor Abbott (1):
      ir3/ra: Don't swap killed sources for early-clobber destination

David Heidelberg (1):
      ci/traces: drop the freedoom-phase2-gl-high.trace

David Rosca (3):
      gallium/auxiliary/vl: Fix coordinates clamp in compute shaders
      gallium/auxiliary: Fix coordinates clamp in util_compute_blit
      gallium/auxiliary/vl: Scale dst_rect x0/y0 when rendering chroma plane

Eric Engestrom (6):
      .pick_status.json: Update to 56451ce773c11094a8c08fdc6b500bb8bdcf37e1
      .pick_status.json: Mark fa7ec4226bdf48bf63438e303af83ecd58ec95f2 as 
      .pick_status.json: Update to 08f851f4361cfbdb211dc70d03cf3ebff331c3ee
      .pick_status.json: Update to 03a7cb261828b350dd9b56bd74850197ca9eba33
      .pick_status.json: Mark fcfa68a632e5711cc657b103c9a0384928e9bf49 as 
      VERSION: bump for 23.3.0-rc4

Friedrich Vock (1):
      vulkan: Don't use set_foreach_remove when destroying pipeline caches

Georg Lehmann (1):
      aco: add missing scc def for SALU quad broadcast

Jesse Natalie (1):
      nir_lower_mem_access_bit_sizes: Fix write-mask-constrained 3-byte stores 
as atomics

Konstantin Seurer (1):
      radv/sqtt: Fix tracing acceleration structure commands

Lionel Landwerlin (1):
      isl: disable MCS compression on R9G9B9E5

Marek Olšák (1):
      radeonsi/gfx11: don't set OREO_MODE to fix rare corruption

Mary Guillemard (1):
      zink: Check for VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3 before setting A2C

Matt Turner (1):
      r600: Add missing dep on git_sha1.h

Paulo Zanoni (1):
      vulkan: fix potential memory leak in create_rect_list_pipeline()

Rhys Perry (1):
      docs: fix RADV_THREAD_TRACE_CACHE_COUNTERS default

Rob Clark (1):
      freedreno: Always attach bo to submit

Roman Stratiienko (1):
      v3d: Don't implicitly clear the content of the imported buffer

Sagar Ghuge (2):
      anv: Write timestamp using MI_FLUSH_DW on blitter
      anv: Flush data cache while clearing depth using HIZ_CCS_WT

Samuel Pitoiset (2):
      radv: fix registering queues for RGP with compute only
      radv: set radv_zero_vram=true for Unreal Engine 4/5

Tapani Pälli (1):
      iris: add data cache flush for pre hiz op

antonino (1):
      vulkan: use instance allocator for `object_name` in some objects

git tag: mesa-23.3.0-rc4

SHA256: ecf0f1748ade2e3d5a0196a736ddd8c4802f527278e8962d2fafddfa0e630ac3  
PGP:  https://mesa.freedesktop.org/archive/mesa-23.3.0-rc4.tar.xz.sig

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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