On 4/10/24 13:53, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
Brian Paul kirjoitti 6.4.2024 klo 1.05:
I'm trying to build the Intel Vulkan driver.  First time in a few months.  I'm having build problems related to clc.  I'm on Ubuntu 22.04

[1347/3181] Generating src/intel/vulkan/...om command (wrapped by meson to set env) FAILED: src/intel/vulkan/grl/gfx125_bvh_build_BFS_BFS_pass1_indexed_batchable.h env MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DISABLE=true MESA_SPIRV_LOG_LEVEL=error /home/brianp/build3/mesa/build/src/intel/compiler/intel_clc -p dg2 --prefix gfx125_bvh_build_BFS_BFS_pass1_indexed_batchable -e BFS_pass1_indexed_batchable --in ../src/intel/vulkan/grl/gpu/bvh_build_BFS.cl --in /home/brianp/build3/mesa/src/intel/vulkan/grl/gpu/libs/lsc_intrinsics_fallback.cl -o src/intel/vulkan/grl/gfx125_bvh_build_BFS_BFS_pass1_indexed_batchable.h -- -cl-std=cl2.0 -D__OPENCL_VERSION__=200 -DMAX_HW_SIMD_WIDTH=16 -DMAX_WORKGROUP_SIZE=16 -I/home/brianp/build3/mesa/src/intel/vulkan/grl/gpu -I/home/brianp/build3/mesa/src/intel/vulkan/grl/include
ERROR: libclc shader missing. Consider installing the libclc package
Aborted (core dumped)

I've installed every clc-related package I could find.  I've tried several options for the 'intel-clc' option without luck.

BTW, the description of intel-clc in meson_options.txt looks suspect:

   type : 'combo',
   deprecated: {'true': 'enabled', 'false': 'disabled'},
   value : 'disabled',
   choices : [
     'enabled', 'disabled', 'system',
   description : 'Build the intel-clc compiler (enables Vulkan Intel ' +
                 'Ray Tracing on supported hardware).'

The default is 'disabled' but that's deprecated?  Choices include 'enabled' but that's deprecated too?

Any tips for building the ToT Intel Vulkan driver?


You need to have libclc-NN-dev installed matching with the llvm version, which on stock 22.04 would be libclc-13-dev.

I'm using llvm 15 and have libclc-15-dev installed. I get the "ERROR: libclc shader missing. Consider installing the libclc package" issue I quoted above.

I have llvm 15 installed because I also want to build the radv Vulkan driver.


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