On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 8:08 PM, Patrick Baggett
<baggett.patr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't think glxgears is the best benchmark for what is a "typical" OpenGL
> load (if there is a "typical"). The 60 FPS with your hardware driver sounds
> suspiciously like the refresh rate of your screen; perhaps it is
> synchronized with the vertical retrace? Since I'm assuming you want to find
> the fastest driver, why not try a free and open source game like openarena
> to give you a better idea of how they actually perform.

What about the differences seen in dri based s/w driver and xlib based
driver and also the llvm based driver? Any pointers on how does the
dri based s/w driver work would help.

Thanks & Regards,
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