On 10/10/2013 01:38 AM, Rogovin, Kevin wrote:
Hello all,

   My current goal is to add documentation to Mesa so that the ramp up time of 
Mesa goes down a great deal.

I support that goal. When I see other projects that publish good Doxygen 
like http://llvm.org/doxygen/modules.html, I become jealous and wish Mesa did 
the same.

In addition I wish to create an index of files and data structures keyed by subjects. The 
use case of such an index is of the form "How does Mesa does functionality foo? 
Where are those functions and states?" and then one can quickly find the files and 
data structures to answer that question. The goal I have is that one can use doxygen 
output to quickly browse source code to find the implementation details as well.

There are several approaches that I can think of on how to accomplish this, so 
far I have come up with 2 options:

  Option A: A separate file that lists an organization of files of Mesa by 
functionality. Each file is placed into a section and/or subsection and a brief 
description of each file. This I have already done.

   Advantages: easier to organize text, easier to create linking narration 
between groups. Greater control over text presentation to create a flow, 
especially between units.

   Disadvantages: Document needs to be maintained as a separate file: as files 
are added and changed they need to update their entries in the file.


   Option B: A set of doxygen groups and subgroups. The groups and subgroups will have names given 
by functionality. Each header AND _source_ file would be placed into a group. In addition each 
source file would have a file tag describing what it does. This requires adding the necessary 
doxygen tag header "\addtogroup FOO @{" and footer "@}". For those files that 
provide support to another file, those files should be in a list stating that they support another 

   Advantages: Documentation is better localized to a file. Changes to a file 
will then get their documentation updated too with the file.

   Disadvantages: Very difficult to make a good table of contents without 
resorting to a script to run on the files hunting for tags (AFAIK doxygen does 
not generate nice TOC's for groups). Massive number of patches for the first 
commit since it would essentially touch every file. Trickier to create linking 
narration for different groups.

Option A is already done for src/mesa/main and src/mesa/vbo.

Thoughts, suggestions, etc are greatly appreciated.

I prefer option B, keep the documentation as close to the source as possible. 
Mesa developers, according to my
observations, do not fastidiously maintain documentation. So I believe you will 
need to eliminate as much
maintenance overhead as possible, and put the docs close to the source, if you 
intend to succeed at your

To aid everyone in examining the current state of our Doxygen, I've automated 
it publication every 4 hours
to here:


I'm currently building the Doxygen only for master. If you'd like me to 
automate publication of one your
branches too, just let me know.

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