On 6 November 2013 11:24, Erik Faye-Lund <kusmab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 7:49 PM, Paul Berry <stereotype...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On 6 November 2013 09:35, Erik Faye-Lund <kusmab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Sorry for the late reply.
> >>
> >> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Tapani <tapani.pa...@intel.com> wrote:
> >> > On 11/01/2013 03:31 PM, Erik Faye-Lund wrote:
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Won't using the git-sha1 as a compatibility-criteria cause issues for
> >> >> developers with local changes? I'm not so worried about this for
> >> >> OES_get_program_binary itself, but once the shader-cache is in place
> >> >> it sounds like a potential source of difficult to track down
> >> >> misbehavior...
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> I agree it might be too aggressive criteria but it is hard to come
> >> >>>>> up
> >> >>>>> with
> >> >>>>> better and as simple.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>> That's not my objection. My objection is that this might give
> >> >>>> headaches for people with local modifications to the glsl-compiler.
> >> >>>> Local modifications does not affect the git-sha1.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> For the automatic shader cache this headache could be helped a bit
> >> >>> with a
> >> >>> environment variable or drirc setting that can be used during
> >> >>> development.
> >> >>> On the other hand an automatic cache must work in a transparent way
> so
> >> >>> it
> >> >>> should be always able to recover when it fails, so one should only
> see
> >> >>> it
> >> >>> as
> >> >>> 'slower than usual' (since recompilation/relink required) sort of
> >> >>> behaviour.
> >> >>> The WIP of the automatic cache I sent some time earlier also marked
> >> >>> (renamed) these 'problematic' cached shaders so that they can be
> >> >>> detected
> >> >>> on
> >> >>> further runs and cache can ignore those.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> I agree that it might become problematic, on the other hand it is
> also
> >> >>> easy
> >> >>> to just wipe ~/.cache/mesa and disable cache.
> >> >>
> >> >> That won't help for programs that maintain their own (explicit)
> >> >> shader-cache, which was the intention of introducing binary shaders
> to
> >> >> OpenGL ES in the first place.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Ok, we are talking about the extension, I thought you referred to the
> >> > automatic caching. For extension to work, we need at least more Piglit
> >> > tests
> >> > to ensure that it does not break.
> >>
> >> I was actually of talking about both. But for the caching, it's
> >> probably more forgivable, as developers probably know they changed the
> >> compiler and can step around it by flushing the cache. Especially if
> >> the build time gets included, like Pauls suggested.
> >>
> >> > Of course every time you go and touch the
> >> > code, some functionality may break, be it this extension or something
> >> > else.
> >>
> >> That's completely irrelevant here. The rejection mechanism isn't
> >> intended to catch bugs, but to detect intentional format changes. So
> >> let's not confuse the issue.
> >>
> >> > I'm not sure if Chromium, Qt or other users expect glBinaryProgram
> call
> >> > to
> >> > always succeed, hopefully not.
> >>
> >> If they do, they're buggy. But there is a chance for that, yes. But
> >> I'm actually talking about that they might get *told* that everything
> >> went well, and still get a broken shader. Or even a crash. Of course,
> >> this only applies when mesa is build with local modifications, but
> >> that happens a *lot* while debugging application issues. Perhaps bugs
> >> start to disappear, because applications take another non-buggy
> >> code-path? It'll probably only affect developers, and not happen in
> >> the wild. But I still don't think that's a good excuse.
> >>
> >> However, by a strict reading of the spec, I don't even yhink we're
> >> allowed to break the shaders for just any reason. The wording of the
> >> spec is "An implementation may reject a program binary if it
> >> determines the program binary was produced by an incompatible or
> >> outdated version of the compiler". The way I read that, changes that
> >> doesn't modify the compiler aren't really allowed to reject previous
> >> shaders. While diverging from the spec on this *might* not have many
> >> real-world implications, at the very best your solution goes against
> >> the intention of this rejection-mechanism.
> >
> >
> > We have to regard any bug fix, feature improvement, or performance
> > optimization that's applied to the parser, ast, optimization passes, or
> > lowering passes as constituting a change to the compiler.
> Not quite. Bug-fixes are fine; if the compiled shader was buggy,
> you'll have a buggy binary shader, and it should be loaded with those
> bugs intact. Feature improvements also does not matter: surely, a
> pre-compiled shader won't use newer features. The same goes for
> performance optimization; a program that pre-compiled a shader from an
> old compiler surely won't expect to get a performance boost from new
> optimization passes. If so, they'll use source shaders instead, and
> pay the price of re-compiling. This is *exactly* what binary shaders
> are for.
> >  Otherwise when
> > the user upgrades Mesa, any apps that use get_program_binary will fail to
> > get the advantage of the upgraded code.
> Yes, as I said, that's a part of the contract.
> > As a practical matter, nearly every
> > sMesa release makes changes to one of those components, even point
> releases.
> > So allowing old program binaries in the event that the compiler hasn't
> > changed really wouldn't produce any end user benefit.
> Even if *some* modification happened to the compiler, that's not a
> good reason to reject the binary shader IMO. Only *relevant* changes.
> And it's not untypical for distro-maintainers to cherry-pick patches
> from time to time. And then there's bleeding-edge users.
> >  And it would risk big
> > developer headaches if we ever make a change that affects compilation
> > without realizing it.  IMHO the risks outweigh the benefits.
> As someone who has gone down this path before; it's not as bad as you
> make it to be. If you attack the problem from the right angle, that
> is.
> > And as far as whether we're strictly conforming to the spec, the spec is
> > vague here since it doesn't define what constitutes the "version of the
> > compiler" vs the "version of the driver".  I think it's an entirely
> > defensible interpretation to consider the compiler version and the driver
> > version to be the same thing; so whenever the driver is upgraded, the
> client
> > application needs to be prepared for the possibility that the shader
> binary
> > might be rejected.
> Now you're making terminology up. The spec doesn't talk about the
> driver version at all. And it's not unclear at all from the OpenGL
> spec what the task of the compiler is, so no. I don't agree that it's
> a defensible position in that regard. I'm not saying it isn't
> defensible in *any* regard, but that's not it.
> >> Storing halfway compiled code rather than fully compiled code seems
> >> quite sketchy to me, as it introduces the need for compatibility at a
> >> point where flexibility is needed. The result is a program-binary that
> >> 1) must still perform register allocation and scheduling when loading,
> >> so the time-saving is limited, and 2) fails to reload even for trivial
> >> bugfixes in unrelated code. To me, it sounds like it would be better
> >> to simply not have the extension exposed than this middle-ground. I'd
> >> hate to see applications having to do vendor detection for mesa to
> >> disable caching that turned out to be more of a burden than a gain.
> >
> >
> > A key piece of discussion that I feel like we're missing is the fact
> that on
> > i965 at least, the shader sometimes needs to be recompiled as a result of
> > changes to GL state.  The get_program_binary spec requires these
> state-based
> > recompiles to work properly, even if the GL state machine is placed in a
> > state that hadn't been seen at the time the program binary was saved.
> What kind of state are we talking about? I thought all GPU vendors had
> learned from NV's GeForce FX fiasco to stay away from non-trivially
> patchable state-dependeny shaders...

The GL state that triggers recompiles on i965 can be found in the following

- brw_wm_prog_key (in src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_wm.h) for fragment
- brw_vs_prog_key (in src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vs.h) for vertex shaders
- brw_gs_prog_key (in src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_gs_visitor.h) for
geometry shaders

> > Therefore, the program binary format needs to include the IR, since
> that's
> > what we use as a starting point when we do state-based recompiles.
> I think that's more an indication that i965 is a bad fit for such an
> extension, rather than that the IR must be included. In fact, when we
> defined the extension, discouraging state-dependent shaders were
> explicitly one of the goals.
> Fundamentally redefining what the extension does for *all*
> mesa-drivers sounds to me more like intel policy than what's best for
> everybody. If the binary format was a driver-specific blob container
> like I suggested, intel could *still* serialize the IR into it. But
> everyone else won't have to suffer from it.
> > Given
> > that the IR format is defined in core mesa, it makes sense that the
> > serialization code for it should go in core mesa as well.
> >
> > I agree with you that in order to implement the full intent of the
> > extension, this mechanism needs to also store the fully-compiled machine
> > code for the shader.  I brought this up in my comments on patch 5/6, and
> it
> > sounds like Tapani is on board with doing that, but he has some more
> > research to do before he can implement that part of the feature.
> >
> > If in the future we have a back end that doesn't need to do state-based
> > recompiles (or that can do state-based recompiles without needing access
> to
> > the IR), then we can always add a mechanism that allows the back end to
> opt
> > out of storing the IR in the shader binary.  But since Tapani is
> targeting
> > i965, which needs the IR, I think it's reasonable to get that part of
> things
> > working first.
> >
> I guess I don't understand why these needs to be two different things,
> rather than en intel-specific implementation of some generic
> mechanism.
> Anyway, Tapani asked me to elaborate why I thought it was a bad idea
> in the first place, and I did. Hopefully, I was clear enough.
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