Hello list,

While going though mesa's build systems I was wondering what it would
take to improve the overall experience of build testing.

The only thing I can think of is a more centralised solution similar to
the one used by wine [1]. Having buildbots test every patch what is send
to the ML [2] :)

I'm sure that some companies/organisations may have similar
infrastructure but I was thinking what is the possibility of having a
more open/shared experience, thus one does not need to test the same
environment/setup across multiple bots.

Here are a couple of nice words for each build system that mesa has:

* automake - tons of many build variations, most of which handled by
debian/ubuntu, fedora and suse build systems.

* scons - less build variations, mainly used for non-public
state-trackers and/or drivers

* android - possibly the most painful one out there (IMHO), 10GiB code
cloned a ton of libraries build and alot more that fair rather randomly :\

Kind of wondering what it would take to have such a feature and if
people will see benefits from it.


[1] http://wiki.winehq.org/BuildBot
[2] http://source.winehq.org/patches/
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