On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:19:04 -0600
Tom Gall <tom.g...@linaro.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Been experimenting with building mesa on android specifically for ARM.
> I was curious if there is a wiki page that covers building mesa on
> android somewhere. Didn't see anything with the source or on
> mesa3d.org.
> As a start I'm building with BOARD_GPU_DRIVERS := swrast
> libGLES_mesa.so is built but I don't seem to end up with like a
> libGLESv2.so for instance from mesa which I was expecting. Guessing it
> looks like libGLES_mesa.so goes into /system/lib/egl and then mesa
> would be put into egl.conf but that's a guess on my part.


from my very vague memory of fiddling with android, yes, the Android
itself provides the libs that apps link to, e.g. libGLESv2.so, and
those are trampolines to the real implementations, which is what
you would build from Mesa. Your guess sounds right to me, FWIW.

The last time I looked, a year(?) ago, Android's libEGL multiplexes into
at least two different gfx stacks: Android's own sw-based, and the
vendor's hw stack. You should find the app-facing EGL and GLES libs in
Android's (platform)/frameworks/base/opengl/libs or around there.

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