"Dorrington, Albert" <albert.dorring...@lmco.com> writes:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Francisco Jerez [mailto:curroje...@riseup.net]
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 10:35 AM
>> Yeah, well, it's up to the implementation how device-specific the binaries
>> are.  On r600 they're roughly half-way through the compilation process.  If
>> that's not satisfactory to you, you could try to get clang to generate 
>> binaries
>> directly in the clover format (or even better, get clover to understand ELF
>> object files instead of the non-standard format we use now for serializing
>> module objects) and get rid of the two-stage compilation process.  That way
>> clover will have access to the actual GPU binaries.
> I think getting Clover to understand the ELF format would be useful, and 
> conform to the OpenCL spec.
> Having it be able to output the ELF format from clGetProgramInfo() via the 
> CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES would be something that would impact the Mesa drivers 
> significantly; Since it would require moving the final binary generation from 
> the drivers into the state tracker.

Maybe, but the state tracker should have enough information to do that
already (e.g. through the target description in
PIPE_COMPUTE_CAP_IR_TARGET), and it would be preferable to mixing
device-specific IR and hardware assembly depending on how the program
was specified.

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