On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Matt Turner <matts...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Ilia Mirkin <imir...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been giving some thought to catching up with core mesa on ARB_gs5
>> support. One of the things that ARB_gs5 introduces are new operations:
>>       genType frexp(genType x, out genIType exp);
>>       genType ldexp(genType x, in genIType exp);
>>       genIType bitfieldExtract(genIType value, int offset, int bits);
>>       genUType bitfieldExtract(genUType value, int offset, int bits);
>>       genIType bitfieldInsert(genIType base, genIType insert, int offset,
>>                               int bits);
>>       genUType bitfieldInsert(genUType base, genUType insert, int offset,
>>                               int bits);
>>       genIType bitfieldReverse(genIType value);
>>       genUType bitfieldReverse(genUType value);
>>       genIType bitCount(genIType value);
>>       genIType bitCount(genUType value);
>>       genIType findLSB(genIType value);
>>       genIType findLSB(genUType value);
>>       genIType findMSB(genIType value);
>>       genIType findMSB(genUType value);
>>       genUType uaddCarry(genUType x, genUType y, out genUType carry);
>>       genUType usubBorrow(genUType x, genUType y, out genUType borrow);
>>       void umulExtended(genUType x, genUType y, out genUType msb,
>>                         out genUType lsb);
>>       void imulExtended(genIType x, genIType y, out genIType msb,
>>                         out genIType lsb);
>> (I've skipped the packing stuff since that seems to already be
>> supported/lowered elsewhere, i2f/f2i which is already handled, and the
>> texture gather stuff, for which support already exists. And the
>> interpolateAt* stuff which isn't supported by core mesa yet, and when
>> it is, will require a very diff kind of handling than the above.)
>> I guess the only drivers one really needs to worry about here are
>> r600/radeonsi and nouveau. svga is largely a passthrough afaik, and
>> llvmpipe/softpipe is software and can thus implement it however it
>> wants.
>> Looking at the nvc0+ shader ISA, there are instructions to directly
>> handle all the bitfield stuff (bitfieldExtract, bitfieldInsert,
>> bitfieldReverse, bitCount, findLSB, findMSB). There is also a "mul
>> high", which is that the *mulExtended stuff gets translated into.
>> There are no instructions to handle frexp/ldexp, or the add carry/sub
>> borrow stuff. (Looking at the code the blob generates, they just do
>> all that "by hand". Even though there is a "set cc" flag on those
>> instructions which one might assume has the carry. But the blob didn't
>> use it.)
>> So I was thinking that we could just take the relevant SM5
>> instructions and lower the rest. Specifically, these would be the new
>> opcodes:
>> BFI
>> BREV (not BFREV since most instructions appear to be 3/4 letters)
>> POPC (shorter than "countbits")
>> LSB
>> I just took a look at the Radeon SI ISA, and it does seem like it has
>> ldexp/frexp instructions, as well as setting the carry flag for
>> addc/subb. Although since TGSI doesn't have flags or multiple
>> destinations, not sure how the latter 2 could be easily encoded in the
>> glsl->tgsi translation.
>> Thoughts/opinions before I go and implement the above? Is someone else
>> already working on this?
> I've written lowering code for ldexp/frexp. It relies on support for

The lowering code for ldexp is optional, but the frexp one seems to be
"required" (in that there is no ir_binop_frexp at all). If RadeonSI
wants to make use of its built-in frexp instruction, they'll either
need to change it, or have a _really_ clever peephole pass. (Didn't
check if the r600 isa had the same thing...)

> EXT_shader_integer_mix, which disappointingly no other Mesa drivers
> have exposed.


I assume that's the same thing? If so, that extension can probably
just be exposed as-is on gallium for drivers that support

> For the multi-destination built-ins, i965 has multi-destination
> instructions (addc, subb) which write the carry/borrow to the
> accumulator register. Instead of doing a ton of infrastructure to
> support multi-destination IR I emit an add an addc for uaddCarry and
> only use the carry result from addc. A peephole optimization can
> easily combine the add/addc into a single addc.

Hm, neat idea. But the same peephole pass could, instead, be used to detect

UADD x, a, b
USLT y, x, a

And then you don't need the special ADDC instruction. And you get the
advantage of being able to detect (some) people who were doing this by
hand before.

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