I've recently pushed an update to the 10.1 branch. I anticipate making a
release from this branch tomorrow. The state of this branch is
summarized here:


As always, please let me know if I have missed something that should be
picked over to the stable branch.

The code on this branch includes 32 commits since 10.1.1 and introduces
no regressions as tested with piglit on my Haswell laptop. I would, of
course, welcome any additional testing reports from users of other

There are a couple of points of concern which, if addressed, could lead
to some changes between now and the release:

  * There are 23 patches that have been sent to the mesa-stable mailing
    list, but have not yet been merged to master. The oldest of these is
    from February 20 (10 weeks ago!).

    Presumably, we could use some help reviewing these patches. Please
    see the list of "Nominated, awaiting review" patches at the URL

  * I rejected one patch, (i965: Add glBlitFramebuffer to commands
    affected by conditional rendering), based on a piglit regression it
    caused. The relevant bug report:


    suggests that the test itself is at fault here. If that's correct,
    and the test can be updated, then this patch can be merged before
    the release.

Thanks everyone,



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