Ilia Mirkin <> writes:

> Will it? What about the MS case? I thought that for generic you had to
> do a shader-based approach.

Ah yes, you're right the commit message is nonsense. I guess I should
also avoid enabling the extension at all until the next patch.

> While I'm sure we all love the
> while (height --> 0) { // as height goes to 0
> construct... it's not immediately obvious (to me) that it's correct
> when just glancing at it. After a few seconds of thought, it is
> clearly right, but I think the more common thing is to use a for loop
> where it's obvious there isn't some silly off-by-one error. I don't
> think this is really used anywhere else in mesa. Here and below.

Ok, yes, I guess it is clearer to use a separate iterator variable.
However I don't think it's that uncommon in Mesa. Running ‘git grep
"while (.*--"’ shoes plenty of examples.

I've updated the wip/clear-texture branch on my github with these two

Thanks for the review.

- Neil
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