On Fri, Dec 12 2014, Jose Fonseca wrote:
> Yes, ideally we'd have something small that we could bundle into mesa 
> source tree, for sake of non Linux OSes.

Ken has pointed to an implementation that might be suitable for this.
I haven't reviewed that code myself, nor am I signing up to maintain a
SHA-1 implementation within Mesa. But if somebody does want to do that
review and maintenance, then it would be a very simple extension of the
code I've provided to allow a builtin implementation as well as all of
the external implementations that are deteted.

> If Windows was the only concern, we could use its Crypto API, 
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa382379.aspx 
> and avoid depending on anything else, but some of the above mention 
> libraries are not trivial to install.

I believe that the second patch I posted, (as well as what I'm about to
follow up with), does have support for CryptoAPI. Would you be available
to test that?

> The other alternative is to disable shader cache when no suitable 
> dependency is found. That is, make this an optional dependency.

That makes a lot of sense and should make this feature quite
non-controversial, since it doesn't force any new dependency requirement
on anyone who can't easily satisfy it.

I've now written the configure machinery to do exactly this. I've also
tested, (and fixed), the code I posted earlier to detect and choose from
among several different SHA-1 implementations.

Specifically, I've tested that it works correctly with
--with-sha1=libnettle, --with-sha1=libgcrypt, or --with-sha1=libcrypto,
(three libraries that I happened to have installed). I haven't tested
the others, but I'm optimistic that they should work unchanged from the
xserver implementation.

I'll follow to this email with my two latest patches.


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